Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

how sovereign are you?

and why it matters

North Star Lodge

Hi everyone

Thank you for being here.

I want to talk today about being sovereign and what that really means. Most of us will make the association with a member of the royal family, and who would want to be part of that unlucky bunch right now(!), or you might associate it with a coin. I think it's a great way of describing somebody who really knows who they are, really knows what they want, what they don't want, what they like and what they don't like, and they are unwavering in that. But also, open to talking about things, so there's a sense of peace and grace with someone who is sovereign.

We're really being challenged right now on that, in how sovereign we are around the decisions that we make every single day. The challenge and the pressure around that is really ramping up and it really started with the COVID vaccine. It actually started a long time ago, however, that's the most significant recent challenge for people to be sovereign and to make decisions that are based on what they want and what they feel is right for them.

The definition of being sovereign is: a person who has supreme power and authority. So, if someone has power and authority over you, then they make decisions for you and that might not always be in your best interests. If you are sovereign and you make decisions for you that are in your best interests, then you live a life that is peaceful, that is graceful, that is powerful, that is amazing, and you are unstoppable when you are sovereign. You know what you want and the challenge that we've had recently, in the last few years, is a significant pressure to do something for other people, because it's in the best interests of other people and now we're finding out that that is not true.

Being sovereign is now a massive opportunity to learn about what you want and what you don't want, what you like and what you don't like, because when you do that, life is so much more interesting and it's easier.

We've been conditioned through many organisations and through our families, not to be sovereign. A wonderful friend of mine told me the other day about enmeshment and I'd never really heard of it in this context, but enmeshment is around doing things a certain way because you're a member of a family where there are no boundaries, so this is the way we do things in this family and if you don't agree with that then you might not be in the family anymore. Or if you're in a club and people do things a certain way but you don't agree with all of it, can you say that? Can you say you don't agree, or will you no longer be in the club?  I think in particular at school we are often enmeshed, sometimes in good ways when there's strong values around being compassionate and being someone who doesn't treat others badly, that kind of thing, but when it comes down to say, as an example, your child eats food at school and is forced to eat things because, “that's what we do in this school, we clear our plates of everything and you have to eat it”. That's going to be really uncomfortable if a child doesn't like the food that's on the plate. I know I've experienced that, and I know my children have experienced it. So, enmeshment feels awkward, uncomfortable, especially if you don't agree, but there's a fear behind it, then people go along with it. Especially in families, “this is the way we do things around here” and if you don't, then you're the black sheep, or you're weird or we don't like you, or we'll all gang up on you, or to varying degrees you get really challenged on what you believe to be true. We don't all believe the same things, why would we?

We are all unique, we are meant to be sovereign. We are meant to like different things and not like different things, it's OK, but as the fear is ramping up on this planet, people are getting more scared to be different, and some people are feeling the invitation to be different and to say what they feel. I had a conversation with someone, and they were really trying to get me to change my mind about something and there was no way I would because I didn't feel that what they were suggesting was right and so I'm not going to agree and it's OK. But it's almost not been OK in some circumstances too.

The biggest example I can think of right now is climate change - it's almost like a cult. It's such an agenda, it's such a lie, it is propaganda of the highest form. If you say that climate change is not true and it is true to certain extent, because it does change, but not as dramatically or as horrifically as we are told so that we feel guilty about it and it's the guilt that is perpetuated through many things through enmeshment, through believing something that quite a lot of people now don't believe, quite a lot of people are now questioning climate change, questioning the propaganda and the narrative that is to keep us in fear.

This is not what it's about, this is not how life is meant to be. Truly, we are here to create, we are here to be unique, we are here to be sovereign.  When you think about the different areas of your life, you may be more sovereign in one than another. I know that I was, I was more sovereign at work than I was at home and then in different areas of work and home too, but now I know I'm sovereign in all areas of my life and it feels so great, it feels powerful, it feels unstoppable. So, I am here to help people, to share my experiences and to show them what being sovereign is and invite you to be sovereign.

Where are you enmeshed? If you think about your family, or work, or your friends, or if you're in a club, if you go to church - where are you enmeshed in beliefs, in situations in agendas maybe, ways of doing things that really don't work for you and they can be really small and insignificant. But if it is food as an example and you're eating something you don't like, your body knows that, and it will react in some way. So, it's really feeling into what works for you and what doesn't and speaking your truth. Sometimes we don't know our truth, what it is and so you feel something is off, you feel it in your body you know. When you have that feeling, the invitation is to say something, say something that you believe may not be well received, but if it's communicated in a calm and peaceful way, it can be so powerful, and you will feel it. That sovereignty starts to build up in your body, your soul and your feelings and nobody can knock it down. If you don't like something, you ask someone to stop. If they don't stop, you walk away.  Don't try and change the whole world - this is often what people do, they go out and maybe protest about climate change, but what is their home life like? Are they sovereign, are they truthful and a peaceful - often not. I have known quite a few people who do this kind of thing and then get drunk a lot and don't behave well, because they're out of alignment.

Being sovereign is bringing yourself into alignment with who you are, with nature and then you will challenge things that are not right, then you will stand up for other people when they can't stand up for themselves, or they feel they can't stand up for themselves. You can be compassionate, caring and supportive and yet so powerful.

Enjoy practising.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

what can we do

to stop perpetuating the abuse

North Star Lodge

Hi everyone

Thank you very much for being here today.

I was thinking this morning, “why do I do these videos, what is it that drives me to sit here and talk to you?” I've always been a sharer and the more I experience life in love (I didn't a long time ago), the more I want to share what I see and the opportunities that I see for us to change what's happening in this world and how we experience life.

We can all see very challenging and difficult things that are happening and quite often I hear people say, ‘well what can I do about it’ and we can do a lot. So today I wanted to share a few things that bring some awareness of what we do and how, through this awareness, we can start to change things by seeing it by knowing it.

A friend of mine told me a story a while ago and it was about two ladies having a conversation - one of the women was white and the other one was Asian. They were talking about how they saw each other, and the white lady said to the Asian lady, “I see you as exotic” and the Asian lady got quite angry and was insulted by that. She felt that the white lady had said this purely because she was Asian. Now I don't know what was going on for her, but in that moment maybe all the negative racist things she experienced in her life came to the front, and I would imagine that the other lady wasn't insulting her and felt that she was actually giving her a compliment. I said to my friend, “wow I'd really love it if somebody said I was exotic”, and my friend said, “well you would, because you're white” and in that moment there was all of this stuff that is about seeing people as a race as we have been conditioned to do.  Every single person involved in that, including me bringing this to you, is bringing all of that into the present moment and yet we have an opportunity to stop it.

So the reason I'm sharing this is to become aware of something that triggers you, that brings about a reaction that may not be to do with what's happening right now, or right in front of you at the time that it happens and that can be so powerful. When we become aware of things, then we can actually stop them and if everybody did that, then there would be less and less of the abuse that goes on in this world because we perpetuate it. So, if we perpetuate it, then we can stop it. You might say well I can stop it, but there's so many people who don't and that might be true, but if you change then you will impact somebody else undoubtedly. If your experience of life is more in love, is lighter, you will impact somebody absolutely - it may not be the way you see it and it may not be the way you want it to be, but undoubtedly something will shift because this is about frequency and the frequency of love and authenticity are extremely high. They go beyond any intellect, any logic and it impacts others.

So when do we start? We start with us and we can start now, but we can only start when we become aware of how we get involved, how we behave and that happened to me this morning, a brilliant opportunity to share something with you that was really uncomfortable for me. I was at home with my daughter, and we were both getting ready -she was getting ready to go to work I was getting ready to take the dog out and we had a conversation. We both started to get angry with each other - we used to trigger each other a lot years ago and it hasn't happened for ages - and this morning because we were both tired, something happened and we got angry. I ended up swearing at her and then saying goodbye and left the house. I felt so sad my heart was actually aching, I felt awful. I knew that that wasn't the way I wanted to speak with my lovely daughter. I knew that that wasn't helpful, but it happened, and it does happen you know. We make mistakes, we get angry, we also have a chance to put it right and so I apologised to her, and she apologised to me and then we both cried because we felt so sad. We talked and then we felt OK. We have the opportunity to do this in every area of our lives. I felt really self-righteous and thought I’m not apologising and then I felt the ache in my heart, and I knew it wasn't right.

When we become aware of our role in this world, we can stop looking outside and saying well they all do this so I'm going to carry on doing it, because where will that get us? Absolutely nowhere. You might say, well there’s terrible wars going on and there are and if you can't do anything about that, then start with you. Start with right now, what is possible for you to be more in love, to be more in love with you.

When you become aware of your inner narrative - the things that you say to yourself and it's quite difficult to become aware because you're used to it. It's a bit like having a fan on and if you've been in a room and there's a fan on you don't hear it, or maybe somebody says why is the fan and you go oh yes there's a fan on - it's the same thing. You may be saying you're not a very nice person and you don't even know it, but it's not true. So that's what doing the inner work is all about, it’s being more of the love, the freedom, the light that you truly are, because that's what we all truly are. We don't have to go and get freedom, we don't have to be given freedom, we are free and so what is possible for you to start to change what is happening in this world?

I want to end this video by thanking Victoria from North Star Lodge very much for sharing this beautiful space with me. It's a gorgeous place on the outskirts of Whitstable, Kent and I'll put a link below if you want to know more about it. It’s a place of high frequency, energy, love, and light so thank you very much Victoria for sharing it with me.

Much love and I'll see you all soon.


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

old style CEO’s…

are leaving the buiding

Hi everyone

Thank you for being here.

I want to talk today about Chief Executive Officers, CEOs.

CEOs of the past and CEOs of the future.

We are going through a massive shift in consciousness, awakening and an understanding of what's behind the veil in this world. What we will accept and what we won't accept is really changing and I can see that the CEOs of the future are going to be very different from what we have experienced.

I've worked with a number of CEOs, I've coached CEOs and I know quite a few and the CEOs of the past are often very much into status power and money and it's a significant driver for most of the things that they do within an organisation. It drives the behaviours and the purpose often, and I have experienced some things that really made me laugh over the years. One of them being a CEO who had such a huge ego that he got the whole of the organisation involved in a charitable event in the hope that he would be given a knighthood and it's just so interesting that that whole activity was based around that one purpose. It's things like that that are hidden from the rest of the organisation often, but are now becoming clearer to people.

It's often a very masculine role and even when there's a female CEO in place, they can sometimes be more masculine than feminine - every single person has a masculine and feminine side to them, but one can be stronger than the other and certainly in that role, which is often about performance and goal setting, it is a very masculine environment.

One CEO I worked with was very much focused on continuous improvement, which is very masculine and whilst you achieve quite a lot in that environment, it’s exhausting, because if you are continuously improving, then that’s saying this is not enough, this is not good enough. You're always on that treadmill of something better, which initially might be OK, but after a while it is toxic, draining and people just don't have the same energy for that.

Also, some CEOs pretend that they’re collaborative, but often they're not and a great example I have of this is a CEO I worked with who came into a leadership team meeting to talk about the strategy for the organisation and the sheet of paper that he gave to everybody was completely full of words in four quadrants that were about the strategy. At the end of the meeting, that piece of paper had hardly changed - so not really collaborative - talking about it, but not really getting other people's point of view, their contribution, what they want the business to achieve, what they think is important and in that ,the strategy is often about profit over people - over peoples’ experience and then that drives the wrong kind of behaviours.

If it's a company with shareholders, then it's about ticking the box, what do we have to do in order to keep the shareholders on board, which then has quite a negative effect on the employees. It's not really about the service or product that's being provided, it's not a focus on that, it's how do we keep those people happy and again that goes back to the money.

And with the biggest ego of all, is often taking all the credit for achievement which obviously is never possible as an organisation is full of people. So, I've seen a lot of those behaviours that do make things happen, they do achieve things, but the quality of experience for people is not often great.

The CEOs of the future that I see are Guardians of the organisation and the whole leadership team are Guardians of their area of the organisation. They care about people, they care about the service, they care about the product and if it means making a decision that is going to cost the business a lot of money then that's what they do, because if that has a negative impact on employees then ultimately that's going to cost money anyway.  With an understanding of that, it is about people enjoying their experience of going to work and that they enjoy their experience. It doesn't mean that it's always easy and they’re floating around on some fluffy cloud, it's about people being able to be creative, being able to deliver, being able to speak their truth and ask questions and give suggestions and it is about true equality.

I was reminded of this when I watched Frasier the other day and if you've watched Frasier you know he has a housekeeper who helps his dad and with physiotherapy. He was talking to Daphne the housekeeper and he said, “Daphne, I see you truly as equal” and she said, “oh thank you” and then the doorbell rang. They both stood there and obviously he expected Daphne to answer the door because that's Daphne's job - this is not true equality.  

I'm talking about the opposite of that, and I did hear about a Japanese CEO who actually cleaned the toilets in the company that he ran because it was very grounding, because why shouldn't he clean the toilets. That kind of leadership is the kind of leadership for the future where people really are equal, where you don't look at somebody and think oh that's a junior person so let's just dismiss, maybe pretend to listen to what they're saying, but dismiss their ideas because what do they know. Actually, the people who work in the organisation see a lot, they do hear a lot and they have great ideas so a Guardian CEO is truly collaborative and straight talking. They will tell you when they don't like something, they will tell you something that's difficult to say because that is the only way to build trust in an organisation. I've worked in so many where we talk about trusting each other but people really don't - they talk about each other behind their backs (I know, I joined in) because that's the way it is. But then there really isn’t a level of trust that brings about creativity, collaboration, enjoying being at work, trust and working for a company that is fair inflexible.

People are not on it 100% of the time, they have stuff going on in their lives and being able to rest take time off if that's needed, then it's needed and there's a level of trust around, I'll be really on it when I am, and I won't when I'm not. Again I've got another Japanese example of the contract of employment for females within an organisation – it’s about them being able to be off work when they're having a period, which you know in this country would be unheard of, you struggle in and if you're feeling that you just can't work on that day, there's just a level of trust that is, if you feel you're not up to it, then you're not up to it and that is really powerful and impactful.

Strategy is true collaboration it is getting everybody's goals desires, passion, creativity coming through to a point of: ‘this is what we want to achieve, we really want to hear what our customers think, we really want to hear what people in this company think and what they want’.

I’ve experienced employee surveys in the past where you ask people questions and then you don't change the things that are difficult - often it's to do with pay - I mean can you imagine a world where everyone is paid the same and I'm not talking about communism. I'm talking about true equality, I'm talking about people just doing what they're really good at - some people are good at leading a team of people and some people are really good at coming in every day and doing the accounts, or marketing, or buying, or whatever they really enjoy. It's about spending most of your day doing what you enjoy and then changing it when you want to change it.

A greater sense of purpose for everyone in the organisation and that's ever changing. Ego, status, power, and control of human beings won’t work. We are ever changing ever growing, because we are part of nature and nature is ever changing, ever evolving and that's who we are.

So, when you think about CEOs that you've worked with or are working with now, where do they spend most of their time? Where are they on this scale of control vs guardian? You will see it in their actions, you will know it as I say it.

I’ll see you soon.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

who wants to live in a lie?

I don’t

World Population Hoax

Chem trail vs Con trail Chem Trails - The Proof

Great Global Warming Swindle

The Great Awakening

Ignored Excess Deaths Excess Deaths deep dive Dr Vernon Coleman

COVID Jabs Are Bioweapons Developed by U.S. Military WHO lies

Hi everyone

Thank you for being here.

I want to talk today about lies and deception as there seems to be rather a lot of it in our world at the moment. It's always been there, but it is significant now and it seems to be getting more and more insane, especially when you can see through it.

It got me thinking about why so many people still choose to do what our government is saying, still believing what they said was good for us and why we still believe that a higher authority can tell us things about our lives. There's just so many things going on that we really must question, and we really must say no to.

When I started thinking about why we don't question and why we don't say no, it can often be because it will mean a big change to our life. It might mean that you no longer live where you live, it might mean if you believe in something or don't believe in something that your partner does, that you can't stay together. Or if you believe in certain things that go against the government narrative,  you might be a bit weird - I think it's a good thing to be a bit weird - but it does change your perception of the world and other people's perceptions of you.

A really good analogy for this (I'm sure lots of experience this) is where you're in a relationship and somebody is telling you lies. Maybe they're having an affair, and you have an inkling that something is off, but they're really good looking and you want to stay with them and if you're single life wouldn’t be great and all the nonsense that we tell ourselves. So, you don't look, or you don't ask, or you just stick your head in the sand, but then the clues are there, the receipts, staying away overnight when they're not supposed to, people start telling you things giving you hints and you still don't want to know. It's even worse if you're living together because then what's going to happen to the house, what's going to happen to all the furniture, what's going to happen to the cutlery, what's going to happen to the dog, what’s going to happen with the children, or the cats. All these things that are difficult to consider if you're not with that person anymore and so you don't want to see what you know is true.

For some people they just need a few examples of these things to say well actually I know you're cheating on me and goodbye and other people will put up with it for months and months and avert their eyes to what they know is true in their heart and then they might confront the person. Some people would actually need to see the other person having sex with someone in order to do something about it and then they still may do nothing about it and live a life of lies - no authenticity, no integrity, no depth of connection, no reality, because if they accept the lies then what happens to everything else.

For some people that's just too difficult and it's like that with our government or with anybody that believes they are a higher authority and that they want the world to be perceived in a certain way so that we comply, so that we do as we're told, even when we don't agree with it. A really good example of this is things like speeding fines and parking fines when they're really not there to protect people especially speeding fines which are revenue generation If you're doing 55 in a 50 and you get a speeding ticket is that really dangerous? But that’s one of the small things, there are massive things that we're being told that are also nonsense in order to keep people in fear, because if you're in fear then you won't challenge things. If  you're in fear that you won't have enough money or whatever might happen if you do challenge things, that is what keeps people stuck in this insane world that we're in right now.

So I was thinking about the lies and there are so many I'll probably have to do 5 different parts to the videos, (because you know I could talk all day about the lies) and one of them is population, that there are too many people on this planet. It’s utter nonsense -you only have to fly over any country to see how much land there is. If you don't believe that then you might think there isn't enough food for everybody, which is utter nonsense. You only have to look at how much food is thrown away and about why the farmers are being told not to produce food and why they are now standing up for that very reason.  Because if they don't produce enough food, then the narrative will continue that there isn't enough food, which is a lie, so why would they be saying that – interesting!

I'm not going to go into great detail about these lies in this video. I'm going to put links to lots of videos you can watch if you want to get curious and you want to look into these things that I'm talking about in more detail. There are scientists professors researchers people who’ve spent a hell of a lot of time looking into the data and the details to show that we are being lied to.

 The second thing that I thought about was climate change. Now it's almost like climate change has become the new religion where it's really bad if you say something about climate change being a lie. I know it's a lie and I've seen enough now to know that it's a lie. I felt it. The data and information that is given to us is presented in a certain way to make people think that a massive block of ice is going to melt and cover the whole of the world which is utter nonsense. The biggest impact on climate change is the chemicals that are being sprayed on us from aeroplanes in the sky and they are not people going on their holidays in these planes - they leave a chem trail. The other day I saw a video of it was a clip of the weather and even now in the weather reports they're talking about chemtrails and contrails. So the contrails are what is left behind the aeroplanes going on holiday to various countries - maybe they're not going on holiday but you know what I mean - chemtrails leave a very long line in the sky and they are very different. All you have to do is look up and see but it's really hard to believe that somebody would sit in a plane and spray chemicals on other human beings. I mean it's incredible isn't it but it does happen. I know it happens I've seen enough evidence now to know that that is happening and that has a massive effect on the climate and has a massive effect on us because these toxins are going into our food into our water supply and therefore into our bodies. Now there are lots of things that we can do about this and I've spoken about it in other videos and podcasts, but it's so insane that it is hard to believe and yet if you look, the evidence is there.

The third lie that I want to talk about today is COVID and the vaccines. Whatever you might think about where COVID came from and what it actually is, it is the single biggest lie that we've been told in the last few years that has caused the most hideous things to happen. Millions of people have died globally from the vaccines, and it doesn't matter which vaccine (they're all the same pretty much the same), millions of people have been harmed - the data is now there, you can't hide it, but you won't see it if you don't look. We do have to look at this stuff so that we can say no, because that's all we have to do is say no.  But it's really difficult isn't it if your partner wants to believe this and you don't, what happens then. Well then you live in a lie and who wants to live in a lie, I don't. More and more people don't, more and more people are waking up to the truth of what's going on. The nonsense that we have been told by the mainstream media and even by the alternative media sometimes.

Who knows what to believe anymore? So then the only source, true source is you and how you feel when you hear something and because of the layers and layers of programming, conditioning and lies that we've been told, you really have to feel into this. However, the more you do it, the easier it gets, because human beings are sovereign at heart and when we say no to the things that are harming us it does get easier. You find more people who can see the same things that you do and can see the lies or ignore them.

Someone said to me recently “no audience, no show”. Any drama you walk away from, any lies you don't fight them you just walk away, you say no.

Trust your feelings they won't let you down.

Much love


Thank you for reading imagine if. This post is public so feel free to share it.

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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

misplaced loyalty

vs authenticity

Youtube video link:

Hi Everyone

Thanks for being here.

Most organisations have company values that they communicate via leaflets and posters and are talked about in communications with employees. One of the ones that is often used is ‘authenticity’ and whilst that's communicated via these various methods, it's not always the way. There are often covert values that are in operation in organisations and one of them is ‘misplaced loyalty’.

In my many years in HR, I've seen quite a lot of that going on and I want to share with you some of my experience with regards to that and what the implications are for people who work in these organisations.

In one particular company, a member of the leadership team was not performing very well in their role and pretty much everyone on the leadership team knew that. This person didn't have the experience, the knowledge, the capability for that role and they weren't the right fit for the organisation.  It was really clear that that was the case and so in my role I tried many ways to communicate that with the head of the company. To talk about what was happening, what I saw, what people were telling me and the implications of the poor performance of this person. I would go into the office and we would talk about it. He would listen to me, say he’d think about it, go away and then nothing would happen . I’d get really frustrated and my ego was getting in the way a little bit too, because I was very attached to the outcome. I wanted this matter to be dealt with properly and unfortunately it wasn't.

I tried many times to come at it from a different angle and it was pretty exhausting, because although I felt like I was being listened to I wasn't really being heard. The main reason that I wasn't heard is that there was no way this person was going anywhere because they were brought in by the most senior person in the company. Because of that, my boss wasn't able to do anything about the things that I was telling him.

The repercussions of that poor performance were that people really struggled in their roles. They didn't have the communication, or consistent messaging, they didn't understand what this leader was trying to get them to achieve and that meant that they were stressed, and they couldn't do their jobs properly.

It also impacted the bottom line for this company because when somebody isn't performing in their job, especially at that level, then it costs the organisation quite a lot of money. It costs money in poor performance in terms of people being off with stress or under-performing and this money has to come from somewhere and where it comes from is the ultimate price that you pay for a product or a service because that has to be factored in.

So that's what happened - that person stayed in their job for a very long time and the situation continued. It was a really strong example of misplaced loyalty because the loyalty wasn't to the people in the organisation and there were a lot of them, it was to the most senior person in the organisation. When somebody is very closely aligned in that way, then the right thing doesn't happen and that then has an impact on the people that they work for.

The reason I'm sharing this is that it happens pretty much everywhere. I've seen people being paid tens of thousands of pounds just because they weren't very good at their job and they were paid off because their boss didn't want to have an honest conversation with them. So, this value of authenticity isn't actually there because lots of leaders - I have experienced some great leadership, and I've also experienced a lot of really poor leadership - avoid having what they perceive to be a difficult conversation. But the difficulty is in being honest about what they see. If I would have had an authentic and open conversation with my boss about this person, then at least it would have been, “Pauline you might as well stop because this person is going nowhere, and these are the reasons”. Wouldn’t that be amazing - not amazing that that is happening, but the fact that it was an authentic open and honest conversation, and we certainly need more of that.

This is one of the main reasons that corporations are crumbling because people see through this nonsense and now, they're waking up to it because not only does it go on in large corporations, it goes on in government, in healthcare and in pharmaceutical companies - it's all about power control and profit. The pretence around “it’s for the people” is utter rubbish, it's not for the people at all.

So, more and more people are choosing different ways of earning money, living lives that are true, true to nature, aligned with who we are and moving away from that BS basically.

In knowing that we are moving more towards a heart-led, heart centred way of living (and that applies to organisations because organisations are full of people), it's the human beings in organisations that want truly heart-led leadership, heart-centred companies to work for, where they can be authentic, where they can speak their truth. Also, where they don't have to worry about, if I say this about somebody and they're very close to my boss, will they receive the information - they'll be able to have those honest conversations and that is the only way.

What we are experiencing is a massive shift in consciousness and awakening to the truth of who we are. Being authentic, being true, being heart-led, not head-led and I look forward to seeing more and more of that in the coming years.

Much love


Thank you for reading imagine if. This post is public so feel free to share it.

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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

in the crumbling, get curious

about who you are & what you want

Hi everyone

Thank you for being here.

I wrote an article in December about how corporations are crumbling and we're seeing that and more and more as the months go by. The wonderful thing about Covid was that it gave people some time to really question how they're spending their days where they're working and if that's really working for them. I know lots of people who've chosen to leave corporate life start up their own business, do something different or work from home because they've been able to do that more and more, whilst still doing their job effectively and spending time with their family, which is more important than travelling to work every day.

So people have been making different choices over the last few years and that intensity around the quality of the experience of life is growing because people are asking, is this something that I want to be doing every day now? If you didn't need to earn the money - let's say you were given money and all you had to do is contribute to society, would you still do the job that you are doing right now?

For some of you that might be yes, but I would guess that for a lot of people the answer would be no.

So why is that important? Are we really here to spend days 3-4 five days a week, 8 hours a day doing something that we don't enjoy, just because we believe that we have to earn that money, or it's too difficult to earn money doing something that you love? I've coached a lot of people and I include myself in this, believing that what I used to do was the only way to earn a decent amount of money and that's been the same for my clients who've got lots of talents in other areas such as music or being an artist and feel that corporate life is the only answer. It's not true but we've been programmed and conditioned to believe that and, in a way, have become slaves to a system that doesn't work for us. If you enjoy going to work and you are treated with kindness love and respect on a daily basis, then wonderful, but in my experience that's not the case for a lot of people.

I’ve talked about heart led and heart centred businesses being the way forward and it truly is the way forward because anything that isn't heart led and heart centred will crumble in the coming years as people become more and more aware of the truth of our reality. We've been told so many lies about what this world is all about, what life really is and it is most certainly not going to do a job that you don't particularly love every day or five days a week. It's not the way it's meant to be and so knowing that and feeling that to do what you love, if you know what you love, and if you don't then there's another opportunity to find out, is what do I do next.  

What is important is that you take one small step – so, if for example you love flowers and you'd love to have your own flower shop, go and talk to a florist. Just one small step to find out how to learn more about being a florist or how they started their business. Get curious, ask questions, just take a small step you can still carry on doing the job you're doing, but in making that small step, you're telling the universe this is what I want. This is what fills my heart with joy. This is who we are this is how it's supposed to be every day.

I'm not saying floating around on some fluffy cloud and having lovely experiences every day. No we have challenges - having the challenge is really important it's what helps us to grow, it's what helps us to know who we truly are. If we do the work, we will find out more and more about who we are and what we love and what we want to do more of the time.

If you think about where you work, if you work for a corporation that has values, then are those values acted out and communicated on a daily basis by the leadership team and by your boss. Is there true authenticity? Is there communication - do you know what's really going on? Do you always get answers to your questions? Is there fairness and consistency? Is there love? Yes, love at work!

The most ideal scenario is there isn’t a work you and a home you, there is you experiencing life, going somewhere and producing something or being of service, helping people, doing what you want to do, getting curious. If you don't know, then just start doing something different.

We're all here to do something that is of service and we're only able to do that if we know who we are and if we speak our truth. We can only do that if we feel safe to do that. If we feel safe to be to be me to be you, to speak your truth. Can you do that and if not, get curious about why not and just ask questions? It is really powerful and if you're afraid to ask a question, then ask it anyway, because in stepping into that fear - which is false evidence appearing real - unless there's a bear chasing you down the street and that is real fear, then it's not real, it's just something that you're thinking is real. So then you ask the question and you find out whether what you’re thinking is actually going to happen. But whatever happens, you'll get more information and that's the information that you want to get.

So give it a try and if any of this resonates with you, then take a step forward, just one small step, towards something that you're curious about from your heart.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

the doctors said no

so I found a yes

Hi everyone

Thanks for being here.

About 30 years ago I discovered that I had a condition known as Raynaud’s Syndrome and when you get really cold, your hands or extremities go white. I used to lose all feeling in the tops of my fingers, and it was quite painful, especially if it was really cold.  So, I went to the doctor, and he confirmed that I had Raynaud’s Syndrome. I asked what could be done about it and he said nothing, it's just something you have to put up with and I thought surely that can't be true.

It was probably the first time that I really wondered about what I was being told by somebody I respected, a doctor who'd been trained for many years and was all knowing about people's bodies and the problems that they experience.

As I moved around and went to see different GPs, in fact any doctor that I encountered, I would ask, “is there anything that can be done about Raynaud’s Syndrome”? I probably asked about 10 doctors and every single one of them said no is just something you have to put up with. I just thought really - I can't believe that's true.

About 10 years ago I started to get even more curious about my body, my health and what I was doing to my body, what I was drinking and the food I was eating. As you get older it becomes more important to look after yourself. So, I started to try different things that I became aware of and one of the first was bio resonance. I had an experience with a bio resonance practitioner (link below) that really surprised me because I was told that my body was struggling with processing alcohol. I was also told things that I was feeling emotionally, which were true. I was told quite a few things and then given advice on vitamins to take and things like that. so it was really the start of my journey into understanding that there are other options available to us.

After that I went to see a Naturopath a few years later (link below) and this was a guy who used a dowsing crystal to get information about your body and it was extremely powerful. I took homeopathic remedies, vitamins and had craniosacral therapy for the first time which was amazing too.

I then started to learn about heavy metals and how they get into our system through the water supply, food supply and through the air - believe it or not chemicals are being sprayed onto us - they're called ‘chemtrails’ (I might do another video and talk bit more about that) and through these various ways, we have metals in our bodies that create blockages. They are really harmful to our bodies and the flow of our systems.

I didn't set out with the intention of curing Raynaud’s Syndrome, I just got more curious and then tried new things that I became aware of over the years.  I also had holistic massages, learned about Ayuerveda and the different food groups. Feeling into my body and what felt right, and you know that the clearer you get, the more you can understand what works for your body and what doesn't. This has been a real journey for me over the last 10 years of discovery. People will say oh you should eat more meat, or you shouldn't eat meat and be a vegetarian and it's all nonsense because we're all different and our bodies have different needs. The most important thing is that you get to know your own body and what it needs and what it doesn't, what it likes and what it doesn't like.  The more that you do that, the easier it gets.

I realised that we've been programmed to believe that a doctor is all knowing and that they know best - why do they know best for your body? Yes, there's a general understanding of how the body works, but as I've just explained to you, they don't know everything and there is so much out there that can help us to heal. Our bodies can naturally heal, but in this toxic environment, it's very difficult and so finding these ways of helping your system to be its best is a really amazing journey.

And the wonderful thing is that about two years ago I was walking in freezing cold without gloves on and I realised that I no longer had Raynaud’s Syndrome!. Through this process of getting to know my body better and the flow of it, I realised that it was cleaning up. It was flowing and the circulation was so massively improved that I no longer had any pain in my fingers when it got cold.  These days I can go for a walk it's minus 2 degrees, no gloves and my hands are perfectly fine.

This video is to encourage you to, or invite you to, look into other things. Don't just believe what a doctor tells you. They might have some great advice, but there might be other things that you can look into.  I know just from looking into this stuff how we have been conditioned to believe that natural remedies are not great you.

I looked at the Cancer Research website because I was very curious after I learned about the 1939 Cancer Act, which means that people can't say that they can cure cancer. In fact, they can't even help people with natural remedies. I actually know some people have been imprisoned for doing exactly that, without advertising or making huge claims that they can cure cancer, but providing natural remedies for people. They have had an amazing amount of success, but then put in prison for doing that. So, what does that tell you?

On the Cancer Research website, they talk about quack theories - subliminal and small messages around the fact that you're a bit weird if you're into natural healing. Well we are nature that is who we are. We're not saving nature, or separate from nature, we are nature and in that, nature provides us with remedies to help us to heal our bodies. But for some reason and I'm pretty sure I know what it is, we're programmed to think, or conditioned to think, that it’s a load of nonsense, that homoeopathy is a load of nonsense - well it isn’t.

It's also a mindset - if you go into this with an open mind, then it's more likely to work. It's more likely to help you. Everything is connected - the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual parts of us that make us who we are. The more connected you are in all of those areas, you will find solutions to help you live the most amazing life.

Be open and curious, it's the only way, so this is an invitation to do exactly that. Don't believe what you're told, get curious, always.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

a debt collector came to my door part 2

Happy new year. Here’s a follow up to my debt collector experience (withholding payment of council tax) and how speaking your truth brings peace and purpose to your life.

Hi everyone

Thank you for being here and Happy New Year.

I want to talk to you about two things today, the first one is an update on my ‘debt collector at the door’ story and the second thing is about peace.

You may have read my article on what happened when a debt collector came to the door because I've withheld payment for my council tax. It was really a difficult thing for me to experience, but what it did do is help me to step into fear and deal with the situation the best way that I could. Also, to know that that what I've been doing was correct and what they were doing was unlawful.

Since that experience, I've had two visits from debt collectors who present themselves as bailiffs - there is a difference, a bailiff has greater rights than debt collectors and with the correct documentation, can take your stuff away whereas a debt collector can’t and they often tell you things that are not true in order to scare you into submission. So on the second visit, I saw them coming down the path, so I just turned away - actually I was on the phone at the time and I turned away and went into a different room. When I came back they'd gone and they left me a note which I didn't open because it wasn't addressed to me, so I put it in the bin. I then just forgot about it and although I did feel a little bit of fear, it was significantly less than the first time.  

A few weeks later I got another visit and I thought it was my daughter’s friend at the door, so I opened the door at 7:15 at night (it was pitch black outside) and there was a man standing there in a uniform holding up a badge of some kind, telling me he was sorry to bother me, He said that he was a debt collector (presenting as a bailiff) and so I just said, “I don’t know who you are and I don’t know what you want” and I shut the door. He left me a note, another note, in the letter box and he’d written my car registration and make and model of my car on the back, which I took to be a threat that they were going to attempt to take my car. Again, I felt even less fear than I had before and just know that it’s not possible for them to do that because they don’t have the right documentation and what they are actually doing is unlawful. It’s a constant reminder that I know what I’m talking about and I’m not having this bullying behaviour.

The wonderful thing that has happened since is someone has taken a debt collecting agency to court for bullying and harassment and the court found in the person's favour and awarded £4000 in fines. It is incredible and shows that what they're doing is unlawful and it also shows what the councils are doing is unlawful because they're not telling us the truth about where our money is going.

Yes, we do need to pay for services, but we need to pay the right amount of money. We need to know where that money is going and there’s so much smoke and mirrors around taxes, with so many taxes that we pay. Where does all of this money actually go? We don't know and you can't find out - it is extremely difficult. So the only way to make the changes is to withhold payment.

In a wonderful fair and equal world where we understood what was actually happening, where our money was going, we'd be able to find out. We would be able to ask questions and get answers, but we don't. We ask questions and we get smoke and mirrors and we just have to accept that. Also we're told we do, but we don't have to accept it.

The time has come to ask questions and keep on asking questions until you get an answer that you can understand, that makes sense, is fair and equitable. That has not been happening for many many years we've been told lies about where our money goes, about what our government does and about what's actually going on in this world.

2024 is really going to be the year of huge revelation and I don't say that to scare anybody. It will be pretty horrible at times, but what is more horrible is what has been going on under the surface for thousands of years - things that we’ve suspected are happening, but we don't really know. Like any form of healing and this planet is healing, we are finding out the things that have been going on with so-called celebrities and government - people who are supposed to be serving us but don't, they serve themselves. There's so much greed and power that influences things that shouldn't be happening. What we're doing now is finding out exactly what's going on and that's going to be very shocking for people, y et when we see it we can then do something about it. We can decide whether we want it or not and that is a fundamental right.

This is going to be a very exciting year and I continue to withhold payment for my council tax until I get an answer and so far - I think it's going to be two years in April - I still haven't had answers to my questions which tells you a lot. I'm still not in prison! It also tells you a lot, when I first told a few people what I was doing, one of them actually said I'll come and visit you in prison - that is the level of fear and the misunderstanding that we have about what’s real and what’s not. Most of us know that council tax is not fair and equitable and yet a lot of people still continue to pay it. There are now hundreds of thousands of people who are not because they are becoming more and more aware of the nefarious activities that go on.

The second thing I want to talk about, because it is going to be a very challenging year for us, is peace and how we experience more peace in our lives. There’s is a lot of stuff that's happening in the world - as we know there's a terrible war, which is truly horrific. There are a huge number of people dying, above what is normal and this is not being spoken about in the media either which is interesting in itself. Over 100,000 excess deaths and yet it's not being discussed in the media. Now that is excess deaths, this is people dying above the normal number so why is that happening why is it not being investigated? These are things that we have to be aware of.

We have to look at things we don't want to look at and then we have to look in our own lives, in our experience of life and what is not true what is not fair what is not equitable. How are we living life? it's really easy to talk about the war and how terrible it is and it is terrible, but what can we do? If there's nothing that we can do directly, then what can we do to make sure that we live as peaceful a life as possible. The kind of peace that is our birth right.

One of the ways that we can be more peaceful is to speak our truth. I know from experience, there's been times when I haven't spoken my truth - I have to certain people and not to other people and why is that? I've really explored that and why I can say truthful things in one area of my life, but not in another. It's a fear of losing something, of not keeping things the way they are, at the cost of my own truth and so I don't do that anymore. If I ever catch myself doing it, I explore why and then I do it and if you notice, as I'm telling you this, where you don't tell your truth. Is it to certain people? Is it certain situations where you don't speak your truth. Why is that? The only way to find out if you don't know is to actually do it and to explore.

It is really important that you do it from a place of peace because if you speak your truth in anger it's not going to go well, but if you really understand and know what you want, ask for it and you speak your truth, then however somebody else reacts to that is up to them but how you respond to that is also up to you.

What you discover in speaking your truth will tell you a lot about what you really want and what you don't want in your life, in your experience of life. The more peaceful we are, because that's who we truly are, love and peace, the more this world will be peaceful.

See you soon.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

what the boy at the beach told me

and how I’m changing my ways

Thank you so much for being here and listening to, reading, sharing and liking my articles.

I’m changing the way I’ll do things in 2024 and wanted to update you on my intentions:

  • I’ve uploaded a video today - it’s not my favourite thing to do, but I practice what I talk about and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. So you are going to see more of me and this face in the future.

  • I’m also going to be changing the way I write. I’m just going to write when I feel I want to write. Not just for Fridays. I’ll write when there’s something really juicy that I want to say. In 2024, those articles are just going to appear in your inbox when I publish them.

  • I’m also making changes to my website. There’ll be much more content that you won’t see on mainstream media, companies to work with, products I recommend.

  • I’m renaming my website to reflect my focus on working with CEOs and business owners who really want to transform their businesses into heart-led businesses.

  • It’s definitely the way forward as businesses change the way they operate. A business is its people. We are all equal and the way that we work and earn money is going to significantly change, transforming to heart-led businesses and making different choices - and that’s a wonderful thing.

  • I’m looking to work with any CEOs or business owners who truly want to make sure that their business is full of authentic people. I’m really excited about that.

I also wanted to share something with you about how we interact with each other.

I was walking along the beach this morning with my dog. It was cold and windy. I had my big coat on, my hat on, headphones in listening to something and I noticed a family; a boy, girl, dad and their dogs.

As the boy got closer, he spoke to me and lifted his arms. I couldn’t hear him, so I took out my headphones and asked him, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

And he said, “Just like your dog, you are very beautiful!” And lifted his arms again.


He was about 12 years old.

So not only did he say a wonderful thing to me that I really appreciated — I mean who doesn’t want to hear that? But it wasn’t what he said, it was the way he said it — straight from the heart. This young boy, full of confidence and wanting to share something with me.

It really got me thinking about how we can do that every single day. We can share something with somebody; tell them that we love them. Tell them that they are beautiful inside and out. Tell them that you appreciate them.

This is how we change the world.

What we are going through is so challenging. There are are a lot of very sad , very challenging things happening. A lot of illness and despair for some people, and that heart to heart interaction is the most important thing you can do. It doesn’t cost a thing.

Thank you to that wonderful young man.

Thanks again for being here. Having a wonderful rest of the year. I look forward to seeing you in 2024. It’s going to be an amazing, exciting time.

Much love,


PS if you can hear some light snoring in the background on my video, that’s my lovely dog Pickles joining in and snuggling up to me 🐶💜💛

Thank you for reading imagine if. This post is public so feel free to share it.

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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley


If someone bought lunch or a coffee for me, I would always say, “I’ll get the next one”, and I made sure that I did. I have stopped doing it now that I understand that universal energy is all about reciprocity, giving and receiving that balances itself out without measurement.

is so incredibly simple

I was in the Post Office the other day and the queue was pretty large for such a small space and it was moving very slowly. The tension was rising and as I was having a word with myself about not worrying so much about being late for an appointment, I overheard a conversation between two women in front of me in the queue. (I have given them names, I’ve no idea what they were called ☺️):


Sophie: all I need is a stamp, it’s taking ages

Beryl: well you can have one of mine

Sophie: ooh no I can’t take it off you, please let me give you some money

Beryl: there’s absolutely no need

Sophie: I must, I can’t take it

Beryl: yes, you can, I insist

Sophie: no I really can’t

All the while I am thinking, “take the bloody stamp”, so I decided to join in.

Beryl: please, just have the stamp

Sophie: no I can’t

Pauline: yes, you can!

Sophie turned round.

Sophie: No I can’t, without paying for it

Pauline: pay it forward and do something nice for someone else, that’s how the world works

Sophie: oh. OK then

And off Sophie went expressing much gratitude to Beryl.

Wow. How difficult is it for some of us to accept a gift from a stranger, without feeling guilty or slightly suspicious of what they might want in return?

I had a similar situation in a supermarket. Part of the payment system had gone down, which meant that people could only pay by cash or card, but not on their phone. I was standing at customer services and the lady in front of me was quite distressed:

Amanda: …but I have to buy it today, it’s my mother-in-law’s birthday and I’ve come all the way from Canterbury to get this stuff

Customer Service: really sorry but if you can’t pay the £75 with cash or card, then you’re unable to take these items

Amanda: I really can’t drive all the way there and back I’ve got loads to do, this is just so awful, what am I going to do

Pauline: why don’t I pay for it and you can transfer the cash to my bank account

Amanda looked at me as if I’d just offered to give her £1000.

Amanda: you can’t do that, it’s too much!

Pauline: why not?

Amanda: well, I don’t know, but it’s too much, are you sure

Pauline: I honestly don’t mind at all, just transfer the money to me and I’ll pay with my card

Amanda: I can’t believe you would do that, it’s so kind, thank you so much

And so the transaction took place and Amanda went on her merry way with gifts galore, thanking me as she left.

It got me thinking about reciprocity and the busy-ness of our lives. In the chaos and stress we forget that being human is giving, sharing and receiving, without judgement or measurement.

If someone bought lunch or a coffee for me, I would always say, “I’ll get the next one”, and I made sure that I did. I have stopped doing it now that I understand that universal energy is all about reciprocity, giving and receiving that balances itself out without measurement.

Measurement keeps us fixed and in judgement – we really don’t need to do it, but most of us do. Trust comes into play and that’s also challenging. Our energy is drained by the worry of what people will think of us if we don’t pay our way and wondering if they might complain about us or, heaven forbid, hold an unconscious grudge against us.

Lots of people find it much easier to give than to receive. Whether that’s about power or self protection, it diverts our energy towards managing a mental balance sheet of gifts and receipts.

When we are too busy and stressed (& we have totally been conditioned to live life that way), we live in normalised chaos, which means that we miss the simplicity and beauty of life and human relationships. 

I was reminded recently about the Zen quote of, “chop wood, carry water”. 

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” — Zen Kōan

The story we are told, is that “A young boy became a monk. He dreamed of enlightenment and of learning great things. When he got to the monastery he was told that each morning he had to chop wood for the monks’ fires and then carry water up to the monastery for ablutions and the kitchen. He attended prayers and meditation, but the teaching he was given was rather sparse.

One day he was told to take some tea to the Abbot in his chambers. He did so and the Abbot saw he looked sad and asked him why.

He replied, “Every day all I do is chop wood and carry water. I want to learn. I want to understand things. I want to be great one day, like you.”

The Abbot gestured to the scrolls on shelves lining the walls. He said, ‘When I started I was like you. Every day I would chop wood and carry water. Like you I understood that someone had to do these things, but like you I wanted to move forward. Eventually I did. I read all of the scrolls, I met with Kings and gave council. I became the Abbot. Now, I understand that the key to everything is that everything is chopping wood and carrying water, and that if one does everything mindfully then it is all the same.'”

Christmas is a time of giving and receiving and it is also a time of great stress and pressure for things to be right. Divorce rates increase after Christmas and people generally feel the intensity of preparing and buying presents. So, when the pressure intensifies, the invitation is even greater to simplify life — to chop wood and carry water.

What is your “chop wood and carry water”?

How can you simplify your experience of life? 

What can you do less of? 

Who might be able to help you more, either at work or at home? 

How present are you when carrying out tasks? 

Notice if you resist receiving gifts or offers of help, question why that is. When we give freely, it comes back in many ways, often not directly from the same source.

There are lots of things that we do that appear to help us relax more, but actually make us more sleepy and less resourceful. What are yours?

And of course, the best things in life are free;  love and the air we breathe.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

corporations are crumbling

We have been conditioned not to feel pain, not to feel strong emotions (especially at work) to deny them and do anything to avert change that we don’t want. We are now being invited to get comfortable with being uncomfortable – it is the way human beings grow.

as heart-led businesses emerge

One of the best things about our Covid experience (and let’s face it, there weren’t many), was that people started to question how they spent their time at work and they started to question the behaviour, power and control of large corporations. Could they work from home, how could they improve their relationship with their families and would their quality of life generally get better? For many, it meant cutting out the commute and working from home, or being paid to do nothing as their place of work was closed.

The lockdowns were an opportunity for people to reconnect with their families and spend more time together. It was a very positive experience for many. For others it was more challenging, but it was still a chance to become more aware of and change the family dynamics that weren’t working.

The people who had previously requested to work from home and were told, “this is not possible for business reasons”, suddenly had the evidence that they could actually be trusted to do a full day’s work from home.  I’ve got to say, having experienced over 40 years of office life, I’ve seen some people spending more time deflecting responsibility than doing a full day’s work, even when they are physically in the office… but that’s another story.

People also had the opportunity to do more of what they love to do. They were able to exercise more, create more, cook fresh food from scratch, spend time with friends and lead a more heart-led life.

Awareness is the first point of change and once you experience something that you love, the desire and pull to go back to it is extremely strong. So having been in a 9-5 job with probably 1-2 hours (or more) travel per day, many people increasingly resented the world of ‘work’, especially for large corporations.

There is also the issue of equality, pay, hours of work, quality of work, recognition and being heard. Whilst some high flyers enjoy the challenge of the career ladder, increasing pay and bonuses and working long hours, many employees are on the treadmill, swallowing the lie that this is all life has to offer. It’s a painful realisation for many that their work pays the bills, but doesn’t pay enough for a life they might love - these are the people that ask, ‘Is this really it?”

Some people will be ok with the treadmill and the apparent security and certainty that they believe it gives them. They may be ok with an ‘it’s fine’ life, and may accept boredom or even resentment as their lot. They may be ok with knowing that people above them are paid significantly more, assuming that those people are smarter or carry more responsibility than they do. However, the Covid experience has changed that for many of us, and we are starting to question more and more, especially about what is real, true and fair in our world.

All of this got me wondering about values. If a corporation has embedded strong values, which are apparently demonstrated daily, why do they need to be communicated internally?  Over my years working in HR, I spent a lot of time on defining, communicating and integrating values into organisations. I often couldn’t remember the values, especially when there were more than five or in one ridiculous instance, 17 of them – I know I wasn’t alone in that. 

If you’ve ever worked for a large business, you’ve probably experienced ‘values’ communication. Thinking back over the years, how aligned have the values been to the behaviour or actions that you saw and experienced? I would imagine that the answer is “not very”, and that is because although these values reflected what our intuition knew was the right thing, they were rarely a reflection of actual behaviour.

There has been and still is a lot of bullying in organisations, both overt and subliminal. People are often very uncomfortable with being honest about calling out behaviour or poor performance and so they find other ways of dealing with it, such as; ignoring it, shaming, using humour to deflect, not giving a decent pay increase, moving the employee to another team or dismissing them without ever discussing what the real issue was.

Take ignoring bullying as an example. The repercussions of this are huge and with massive financial cost to the business. If someone behaves inappropriately and it is not dealt with, other people start behaving inappropriately too, especially if they see their boss not dealing with the obvious issue. If it continues, people leave and it’s always the top performers who go first, because it’s just not worth the compromises required for them to stay. So the cycle of negativity spins on, subliminally and overtly – hugely affecting the bottom line. The ‘shadow of the leader’ is a powerful thing in determining how people behave.

When people are told, ‘that’s not possible for business reasons’ or ‘the business has decided’ - who is the business, what are the reasons? The people are the business and the business is sometimes used to justify decisions that are based on lies or deceptions and are bad for the employees – all so that a human being does not have to be accountable for the outcome.

The most significant impact on a company’s success in my experience, comes directly from poor performance in senior leadership teams. It is rarely dealt with properly. The most common factor in ignoring poor performance comes down to relationships. Even when it is blindingly obvious to all employees in a leader’s team that they are incompetent (& probably don’t even enjoy their job), they continue in the role because of their personal connection to the most powerful person in the company.  This results in a lot of tears, anger and resentment, which after a good cry and venting of frustrations, people around them either leave or carry on, and the negative behaviour is perpetuated through resentment. The number one need for people is to feel heard and that often doesn’t happen – it’s interesting to me that hear is in heart.

In the past, people would put up with the corporate power games and nefarious behaviour to worship the money god, but that is changing. We are going through a massive shift in consciousness and awakening that is bringing about an awareness for a lot of people and they will vote with their hearts (and then their feet) more and more. What we have experienced with corporations, is magnified by the globalists and the truth is emerging around power and control and what is really going on in this world.

The only businesses that will survive and flourish over the next ten years will be truly heart-led with authentic leaders. We are already seeing large businesses fail on the high street, nefarious banking activities are coming to the fore (just read ‘The Title is Unimportant’ if you want an insight into that) and corporations, identifying as government bodies, are going bankrupt all around the UK.

This is the most exciting time to be alive and I know that’s a struggle to believe for some. We are seeing more chronic and serious illnesses, young people are experiencing heart problems like never before, the number of excess deaths is significant, the emergence of political incompetence and lies, and inflation is ‘off the scale’ high. However, this is all part of the big reveal and the big levelling.  We are meant to see what has been going on under the surface for hundreds, even thousands of years, so that we can be sovereign and true to the nature and pure love that we are.

”It’s all ending

we’ve gotta stop pretending 

who we are” 

– Don’t Speak, No Doubt

We have been conditioned not to feel pain, not to feel strong emotions (especially at work) to deny them and do anything to avert change that we don’t want. We are now being invited to get comfortable with being uncomfortable – it is the way human beings grow. It is challenging to feel scared, to not know and yet we are not meant to know everything and how it’s going to turn out. That is the beauty of a life full of opportunities and possibilities – not this fear based, well defined narrow path that we have been conditioned to believe is it. It is so not it! Life isn’t a business to be managed; it is a mystery to be consciously lived.

And through this significant change, I see the emergence of heart-led, creative businesses of all sizes that embrace change, treat everyone as equal, ensuring they are heard and that they enjoy what they do. Imagine if… everyone was paid the same and truly equal. Now I know that is a massive stretch from where we are right now – call me an idealist….. but every journey starts with a single step. Life isn’t a business to be managed; it is a mystery to be consciously lived.

My words are always an invitation to become aware of something new and take action to start to change whatever is not in alignment with who you truly are. If it seems like a giant leap to get what you want, take a small step. As Rumi says,

“although the road is never ending, take a step and keep walking, do not look fearfully into the distance… on this path let your heart be your guide, for the body is hesitant and full of fear”

Trust in love.

Much love


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Sarah Horner Sarah Horner

no wonder we are so fucked up

A while ago my friend told me something really interesting about her son’s experience of mind control at school. He attended a school trip which meant a whole day away from school. The next day he went back to school and became aware of a significant change with his friends and classmates…

let’s turn it around & say no

A while ago my friend told me something really interesting about her son’s experience of mind control at school. He attended a school trip which meant a whole day away from school. The next day he went back to school and became aware of a significant change with his friends and classmates. Around 60% of them had decided to change their sexuality and a smaller number started to question their gender. He wondered what on earth had happened. He was told that a speaker (who was a government representative) had come to the school to talk about sex, sexuality and gender fluidity. This talk was so powerful that it influenced a lot of children present to reconsider their gender or sexuality, where previously the majority were girl or boy, heterosexual. Somehow, they had made it cool to be bi-sexual, gay, homosexual and whilst I am not criticising those identities, what concerns me is the mind control that purposefully took place that day. While many of the children reverted to their previous gender or sexuality within a few months, it is astonishing that a single presentation had exerted such an influence on the children’s identity. 

The cultivation of gender confusion isn’t only happening in school. In September 2023, there was a televised World Economic Forum panel and the purpose was to discuss the effects of climate on gender – now that one made me laugh out loud.  They actually said, “climate affects gender and gender affects climate”. One of the panellists “has created a huge movement around queer and climate” apparently! A serious discussion on climate change and how it affects sexual identity. So can a hot day turn you gay? I mean, this is totally bonkers.

There are hormones being put into our food and water supply, no wonder people are confused about who we are.

The alleged science of gender identity is being categorised and authenticated at a rate much faster than, say, closing the gender pay gap. A look on MedIcine Net lists  72 genders in addition to male and female. Here are some of the weirdest:

Aerogender: Also called evaisgender, this gender identity changes according to one’s surroundings.

Ambonec: The person identifies themselves as both man and woman and yet does not belong to either.

Apagender: The person has apathy or a lack of feelings toward one's gender identity.

Biogender: Having a gender that is closely related to nature.

Collgender: Various genders are present at the same time in the individual.

Epicene: It is associated with a strong feeling of not being able to relate to any of the two genders of the binary gender or both of the binary gender characteristics. (this has to be the most confusing one of all)

Femgender: A nonbinary gender identity that is feminine.

Genderblank: It is closely related to a blank space. (there are no words)

If I had to choose one, I’d go for

Healgender: A gender identity that gives the person peace, calm, and positivity.

We could all do with some of that.

Who would create such an insane list? Medicine Net and their partnering organisation, Veritas Medicine, work to connect people, funding and pharmaceutical companies to funding. As ever, the signposts point to money and power through manipulation.

Another question we might ask is, what problem is this medicalised gender industry solving? As the school speaker I mentioned earlier demonstrated, it is easily possible to create a culture that accepts and welcomes diversity, without feeding people into a medicalised, surgical pipeline.

Imagine thinking genitalia doesn’t indicate gender, then suggesting to cut off genitalia to ‘change’ gender. So much of this does not make sense, in order to confuse people and make them afraid to challenge such delicate matters and try to to be politically correct. They also don’t talk about the lifelong challenge of taking medication, enduring many painful surgeries and the disturbing and tellingly high levels of suicide.

Most children raise very interesting questions as they are growing up and the way we answer them is of the utmost importance. Compassion, understanding, and making sure they are heard are paramount, but if a boy aged 5 says he wants to be a girl, it doesn’t mean that is true for the rest of his life. If he’s still saying it many, many years later, then that’s a different matter and is very much in the minority. 

It is not ok to influence children into changing their gender or sexuality. I have seen some bizarre videos of teachers doing exactly this and drag queens in bondage attire reading books to children, whilst telling them to “shhhhh don’t tell your parents”. This is happening in libraries, with drag queens wearing thongs and twerking and the adults in the room saying nothing. They are groomers, who behave differently if they know they are being filmed. Children need to learn to read and think creatively and if you need a drag act for that, there is something seriously wrong. It is not like panto - drag is adult entertainment. This is a global programme and you can see lots of videos online where this has been happening in Australia, USA and the UK, amongst other countries. (I have a few videos to share with you on this, see the notes below.)

The education system leaves a lot to be desired and was significantly changed in the early 1900s by John D Rockerfeller, who famously said, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers”. When asked about the curriculum and what they were going to teach children in the ‘indoctrination programme’, the answer was “teach them everything about nothing”. I’ve often wondered why we were not taught really important things like values, the legal system, taxes, system of government, conflict resolution, budgeting, boundaries, and the financial system.

The other factor that compounds the issue of confusion for a child about the fundamental aspect of ‘who am I’, is not being heard. I experienced that in my childhood, and it is the number one issue that my clients uncover in our coaching sessions. I have heard many stories where they have tried to raise a problem with a parent, but because the parent didn’t want to acknowledge or deal with it, they chose to ignore the child and continue with the behaviour or experience the child was upset about.

The long-lasting effects of not hearing your child (or anyone for that matter) and not taking relevant and appropriate action, is huge and can manifest in many unhealthy ways, such as control issues, dysfunctional relationships and a negative relationship with alcohol and drugs, or other numbing activities.

So, what can we do? Get curious about what your child is being taught, especially in the areas of sex, sexuality and gender. Is what they’re being taught age-appropriate in your view? Talk to them about relationships and intimacy, the divine aspects of sex, not the transactional, confusing information they are often given. Deeply listen to what they tell you and don’t avoid dealing with something because you don’t like what you hear. Notice the fear, maybe of the repercussions for you, and take action anyway. 

As adults, it is of the utmost importance that we protect all children, say no to what is not right and encourage a balanced and open education, be it at home or school.

I know that this is part of an agenda to confuse, segregate and dehumanise the population globally and yet it is a greater invitation to connect with the nature that we are, get really curious, raise our frequency and connect with each other at a much deeper level. The most important step you can take is to do your inner work. Find a way to connect with your inner child and help it to know that it is loved, safe and free - this can be life changing and profound. 

Invite as much love, play and fun as you can possibly manifest.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

keeping us in line with segregation by design

together we are powerful

I grew up in a northern town where in the sixties and seventies, the arrival of migrants from India and Pakistan was met with resentment and anger by many of my neighbours and community. These immigrant families created close-knit communities that were perceived by the established community as divisive. There was a perception that they had taken people’s jobs from the town, and I know that in some companies, there was discrimination in recruitment.

Locals observed activities that they thought were very weird. In their newly formed communities, they would prepare huge pots of food for each other and line up along the street, feeding everyone. Now I look back on that as a wonderful and sharing community; people supporting each other. Isn’t it interesting that it was perceived as weird?

I witnessed first hand the terrible behaviour that our new neighbours experienced, and I felt very uncomfortable with it. When I was 13 years old, I delivered milk (yes in glass bottles), eggs and juice around the town. There were four of us sitting in the rear of the milk van and on the way back from the dairy, the boys would find it very entertaining to throw eggs at any asian men or boys we encountered on the way home – thankfully they always missed. I cringed and wondered why on earth they would do that. There was so much negative talk about how the town had been destroyed, property devalued and preferential treatment given - now I see that they were processing their frustration and anger at a system that wasn’t supporting them.

What I really didn’t understand though, was how people could feel such anger and resentment towards a ‘race’ of people. It seemed that whenever the adults in my life met and talked with an Asian person, they accepted them as if they weren’t a member of the same group of people! Cognitive dissonance at its best.

Poor decisions were made in local government and at one point a wall was erected to segregate people. It was like lighting the touch paper and standing back to watch the explosion. There was violence and looting – it was a horrible time.

If people were hospitalised, they were not allowed to take in their own food (and hospital food at the time was terrible) and yet if an Asian person was hospitalised, their families were allowed to take food in. Decisions like this incensed people as they made no sense. Discriminatory and divisive rules created divisive feelings and discriminatory repercussions.

Schools were set up to divide people from different cultures and so the issues resulting from lack of integration started very early on. The language was divisive, and the resulting behaviour was inappropriate.

With time and a continued lack of attention from a London-centric government, communities began to open up and bond, because that’s what people do. At the same time, there are still plenty of prejudices simmering below the surface. The town is different now, but it got me thinking about engineered segregation and how that has unfolded, in particular over the last 60 years.  It has invited so much division, anger, hatred and ultimately suffering. Some of it has been obvious and some of it has been part of a subliminal mind control programme, so that we fight and separate from each other, ultimately making us weaker.

In the early 1900s, Mark Twain, famous American thinker and writer, said; “if you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what’s happening in society today”.

How did he know all those years ago and this is exactly what we are experiencing now? People do actually kill other human beings.  So who is shaking our jar? (See my previous articles for some answers.)

If you think about the many ways we have been conditioned to hate, dislike, segregate and separate, here are some of the ways that we participate:

  • Colour of skin

  • Race

  • Gender

  • Sexual orientation

  • Age

  • Politics

  • Religion

  • Country of origin

  • Neighbourhood

  • Education

  • Social Class

  • Employment

  • Wealth

  • Dialect or accent

  • Disability

  • Covid vaccination status

I used to think that’s just the way things are, but now I know that is not the case. It is all by design. Divide and conquer, the oldest trick in the book. Together we are strong, divided we are weaker and the most exciting thing that is happening right now is that through the hideous challenges that people are facing, others are coming out in support and community.

We are becoming more aware of the nefarious activities and the lies that we are being told to keep us separated from each other and ourselves. One of the least obvious ways in which this is happening is to be separated from ourselves and who we truly are. A high percentage of people, especially in corporate life, live life very much in their heads and disconnected from their spirituality and their bodies - and I was definitely in that category.  Here is a great example; I asked someone if they’d had a good night’s sleep and they looked at their watch to get that information! We are being subliminally and gently coerced into AI, transhuman, non-binary, genderless robots. Don’t think for yourself, let someone or something else do it for you! But the good news is, it is not working.

The technology used to channel and consume our energies, also wakes us up to the connection we have with people next door to us, and around the world. That can mean understanding what’s in our water, how close they might be to losing their home or being a refugee. Or it could mean becoming aware of the fact that the weekly excess death rate is rising, culminating in more than 45,000 extra deaths  in the UK in 2023 up to October. The UK is reporting an average of 1,275 excess deaths a week compared to, say Hungary, with 86 fewer expected deaths per week. (You can look at this data on the OECD website).

People are starting to understand that they have not been given all the facts about the Covid vaccine and huge numbers of people are suffering as a result. 

Many of us are starting to question what is being communicated by a controlled and dishonest media – as an example, the BBC pins 300 of the excess deaths on the NHS waiting lists and doesn’t address any other potential causes. They are only telling part of the story or just plain lying. The media and so called ‘officials’ are ignoring the significant and alarming data around excess deaths and serious illness. The information is there on the OECD website.  If you don’t have time to look, you might find Dr John Campbell’s explainer to be useful - if YouTube tells you the video is not available, I recommend using an alternative ad-blocking browser such as Brave, where it will miraculously become available! 

As some of us are aware, data can be twisted to suit a purpose. You only have to talk to people and hear how the stories about serious illness are increasing. Their anecdotes are supported by the statistics such as a 25% increase in emergency ambulance calls from 2,000 to 2,500 per day, and a 44% rise in cardiovascular disease in the UK among people aged 15 to 44 years old, which is horrendous. 

My articles are always an invitation to get curious and be open to new information, to follow the truth and see where it takes you. What have you been shaped to believe that isn’t true?

This is the great awakening of humanity and the more curious and open you are, the quicker you will see what’s really going on. We are being invited to stop living in lies, connect with the nature that we are and connect with each other. To care for each other and act when we know that something is wrong. 

Find ways to connect with your body. Have you ever had a conversation with your body – no I haven’t gone insane! In silence, have a conversation and see what your body wants you to know, you might just be surprised at what you hear and maybe you don’t want to hear. Ask what your body would like to be different.

Notice when you judge or separate yourself from someone. Speak to someone that you normally would not speak to. Ask them how they are. Get curious even more about the people around you.

Together we can speed up this change and live the true and beautiful life that is our birthright.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

wake up to your red flags

“Wake up,” I shouted at the top of my voice, I thought it was hilarious. It was two o’clock in the morning, sometime in 1985 and I was walking home from a club in Oldham with the new love of my life.

& level up

CW: drug abuse, suicide

“Wake up,” I shouted at the top of my voice, I thought it was hilarious. It was two o’clock in the morning, sometime in 1985 and I was walking home from a club in Oldham with the new love of my life. I’d had my eye on Graham for a while; he was so handsome, clever, interesting, and funny. In this moment, we were so excited to be together. Years later, I find myself returning to this moment. I often wondered why I thought it was important to shout, “Wake up!”  Was it because I wanted everyone else to join in the joy that I felt (I’m sure they didn’t at 2am) or was it my intuition telling me to wake up to the truth of what was to come?

We were passionately in love and yet it wasn’t long until we had some challenges around honesty and trust. Graham told me that he had a female friend in Sweden who he had met whilst Interrailing. She came to the UK and while Graham spent some time with her, I tried my best to be very cool about it. But I absolutely hated it! I was horribly suspicious and then when I found a ‘love is…” card from her, we argued. I forgave him, but I still slept with someone else. Was it revenge? Possibly? He guessed and I denied it, so we stayed together, the lies sitting between us. By 1988 we were married and apparently happy to imagine that everything would be wonderful from this point onwards.

We bought a house. It needed renovating but somehow the work seemed to be taking a lot longer than we anticipated. Often, I would go round to the house and Graham would be chilling out with his brothers. I sensed that something strange was going on, but I didn’t know what. I knew that Graham had taken speed and smoked the odd joint and I wasn’t happy with that. I was very anti-drugs and believed it would always end badly. I was ok with getting drunk, but drugs were a massive no-no. 

Strange things started to happen. Graham would go missing for hours, saying he’d been to the shop and met his brother… or he would lock himself in the bathroom for hours. He started to look dishevelled, which was the opposite of the Graham that I met. He had been promoted at work, but left for a better job which he soon lost. I rang his boss to find out why and he told me, “He was hardly ever here.” I could feel myself begin to panic.  

Graham and his brothers gaslit me with denials whenever I challenged what was going on and I cried a lot. They said I was imagining things and that there was nothing going on, but all the while, my intuition was screaming at me, “You are not going mad!” So as the spoons disappeared from the kitchen (I was watching ‘Traffic’, a drug smuggling mini-series), I began to suspect that they were taking drugs together.

Eventually the day came when I found Graham slumped in the bathroom, a spoon by his side, completely off his head in another world. I had to face it; he was a heroin addict. Oh, the shame, the guilt, the responsibility. None of it was mine, but I carried it. I had so many unanswered questions; Why? What was wrong? Surely men like Graham didn’t become drug addicts and yet right in front of me was this crumpled mess of a man. 

I tried to be supportive. I went to the drug information centre in Oldham. They told me to tell his parents, but I just couldn’t do it. Things got worse, Graham was in denial and things went missing more and more. He kept asking me for money. I rang the Samaritans and cried; I thought it would be easier to be dead than experience life this way. Apparently Graham felt the same way. I came home from work and there was a noose hanging from the loft at the top of the stairs.  

Another day I came home and there was a hose pipe attached to the car exhaust, feeding into the driver’s window in the garage. They were all cries for help, but I didn’t know how to help him. It was so hard to accept that I couldn’t help him. Instead, I had an affair with a colleague at work. It was a distraction and a mess. I dreaded going home and the affair just compounded the shame and guilt that I felt.

I was sitting on the sofa one Saturday afternoon and Graham walked into the lounge to ask me for money. He looked desperate and wild eyed and I said, “No”. He sat down next to me and put a Stanley knife blade next to my knee, “If you don’t give me money, I will cut you”. I don’t really know what happened next, all I remember is running up the road and jumping on a bus. I didn’t know where I was going, I just had to get away. How could that human being be the same gentle, kind, loving man that I’d met a few years before? I was devastated and broken.

 I went to my parents’ house. They didn’t even know what heroin was. I rang Graham’s parents and told them; they came round, and we sat together struggling with the reality of what was happening. Graham went to live with his parents to go ‘cold turkey’. We did get back together, but it was too late. He went back to heroin; I went back to my affair.

I left Graham and it took a very long time to process what had happened and let go of the misplaced shame and guilt. Slowly and surely, life got better. I found a new job and by chance, I ended up in Personnel (HR in the old days) and that’s when I started to wake up to my potential.

I recently went back to the street where I lived with Graham and it felt so small and narrow. I know that I would have suffocated in that environment. I had narrowed my path to the most obvious; marriage, children, work. This heartbreaking experience had sucked me in and then pushed  me out to the unknown. It was the most significant and challenging time and as I look back, I can see that I was being invited to level up, and to know the truth of who I am.

I’m sorry to say that both Graham and his younger brother died from their drug abuse.

Through this experience, amongst other things, I learned that I can’t change someone else and I am not responsible for their happiness. I could see that the relationship dynamics between Graham and his mum were being played out between us. Although I continue to encounter lots of red flags, I am quicker to spot them and feel free to take action to resolve or move away from them.

Looking beyond our personal relationships, though, red flags are magnifying in the world around us - here are a few:

  • Fewer cash machines and more companies not accepting cash, moving towards a central currency and significant levels of financial control

  • Coercive medical intervention without proper testing and honesty about the potential dangers, or the other options available

  • Wars to enable land grabs and revenue generation, while increasing fear, chaos, power and control

  • Slow poisoning of humans through toxins and metals in our air, water and food

  • Significant levels of sugar in nearly every packaged food product

  • Genetically modified food

  • Corporations pretending to be government bodies

  • Pharmaceutical companies dictating health care policy

  • Financial institutions lying about how they operate and the fact that money is no longer backed by gold (or anything), just numbers on a screen

  • Segregation of people so that they fight with each other and lose their power and connection

  • Indoctrination masquerading as education 

  • Mind control through the media and increasing levels of censorship

  • Encouraging disconnection to spirituality

  • Enslaving humans (and most of them are not aware)

Many of these red flags might seem inconceivable, too big to do anything about, or perhaps you feel a surge of resistance to looking at them. But if we become aware of our own red flags and take action, we will start to move towards true freedom for everyone. Together we are amazingly powerful, can you imagine how wonderful our futures will be?

My articles are always an invitation and this one is to become aware of the red flags in your life. As you read this, the most important one will probably be appearing in your awareness. See what you don’t want to see. Stay with it and without blaming anyone else, question what there is for you to know about it, so that you can start to take action and live the life that you truly want to live. 

The challenges in our lives are always an opportunity to get clearer and level up. Deep down you know what is best for you, and the more you start to trust your innate wisdom, the more you will experience true freedom.

Much love


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Sarah Horner Sarah Horner

clean up your pineal gland

Your pineal gland helps us to be highly functioning humans - making it pretty significant to every one of us. Right now, you are possibly operating at somewhere between 5-10% of your full capacity. We are all mental, emotional, physical and spiritual beings and there’s an extraordinary amount of untapped potential to discover when we clean up our act and become so much more brilliant…

and be so much more brilliant

Do you know what your pineal gland does? It is fundamental to helping us to be highly functioning humans - making it pretty significant to every one of us. Right now as you scroll through this article, you are possibly operating at somewhere between 5-10% of your full  capacity. We are all mental, emotional, physical and spiritual beings and there’s an extraordinary amount of untapped potential to discover when we clean up our act and become so much more brilliant…

The pineal gland is a pea-sized, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ that is nestled in the brain and connected to the third eye point, in between the eyebrows; the seat of our intuition. Ancient Greeks believed it was the connection to the realms of thought and ancient Egyptians described it as the Eye of Horus, a mystical emblem of enlightenment and insight. It is also known as the seat of the soul and has the ability to fill the body with light. It is the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds, which brings a deep knowing, an enlightenment, if you like. It brings awareness of who you are outside of the structure of society, and intuitively connects you to your higher self.

This tiny and amazing organ also helps to regulate sleep patterns and secretes the sleep hormone, melatonin. It's part of the endocrine system, helping the body to sense light and dark. It controls other vital aspects of our lives, body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleep, and the orchestration of circadian rhythms. It improves the decision-making process, innovative thinking and the ability to see new possibilities.

The pineal gland produces serotonin for mood modulation, also known as the ‘happy hormone’. It influences behaviour and can help with digestion. It’s a massive contributor to our physical well-being.  Heightened concentration, clarity, and tapping into higher dimensions of existence, leading to a stronger connection with spirituality, a sense of purpose and unity, and we definitely need lots more of that on this planet.

When your pineal gland is clear, you are much more receptive and able to look at things differently. It helps greatly with clarity, creativity and out of the box thinking. So, even for those who resist the ‘woo’, there’s tangible scientific evidence that it makes a difference to how we all think, reason and function.  

The pineal gland is being blocked by many things, but the main culprit is fluoride. A 2019 animal study in rats (1) found those who were placed on a fluoride-free diet for 4 to 8 weeks experienced a greater increase in the number of pineal gland cells compared with those who consumed fluoridated food and drinking water.

Fluoride can cause cancer, impair bone strength, impair kidneys and thyroid function, recede gums, depress heart & cell growth, increase infertility, and - critically -  block your pineal gland.  

Fluoride lowers IQ and causes cognitive impairment, especially in children. It also causes skeletal fluorosis with symptoms such as weakened bones, joint pain, bone deformities and limited mobility. It has the potential to disrupt the endocrine system, disturbing hormone balance and possibly affecting reproductive and fertility issues.

So why is it in our toothpaste, water and food?

Public health policy, pharmaceutical products, water management and dental advice is informed by years of scientific information. So the decision to add fluoride is not an accident of ignorance. Governments and companies are working together to add damaging levels of fluoride to our bodies.

Why would they do that? As the biggest effect is to impair cognitive function, the evidence points to a desire to ‘dumb down’ the general population in order to make us easier to control. In knowing this, you have a choice to carry on as normal, or to start decalcifying your pineal gland and levelling up!

The first thing we can do is clean the water that we drink. I use a water distiller and filters on my taps and showers (link to explore page). A water distiller does also remove ‘good minerals’ like calcium and magnesium, but these can be replaced with vitamin supplements and Celtic Sea salt – one small crystal before each glass of water gives you over 80 minerals. The filters on my kitchen tap and shower take out fluoride and chlorine, amongst other things. I travel with filtered water when I’m out and about and would definitely recommend children take filtered water with them to school. It’s even worth checking the ingredients of bottled water, as some contain aluminium which is also harmful to our bodies.

As you can see from this image, there is a lot of other hideous stuff in our water that is slowly poisoning us. The image below was taken after cleaning three jugs of Southern Water’s finest.

I know a lot of people, myself included, are challenging the water companies and withholding payment until the quality of our water improves. People are also sending letters to them, requesting information under the freedom of information act, to ask what exactly is in the water and why is it not being cleaned out?

The next thing is to change your toothpaste and mouthwash. There are lots of great ones out there that don’t contain fluoride.  I’ve always thought it was odd being told not to swallow toothpaste as it contains fluoride, yet it is being brushed straight into our systems through our gums.

Processed foods and fizzy drinks can also contain fluoride, so check the ingredients, you’ll be amazed what you see. Choose organic fruit and vegetables as much as possible.

Sungazing can have amazing benefits to your wellbeing and pineal gland, and it is safe to do just after sunrise or just before sunset (never in the middle of the day). It provides you with the vitamin D that you need and helps to improve energy, your immune function, stimulates healthy brain function, improves quality of sleep, metabolic and thyroid functions and helps with happiness and balancing our emotions.

Meditate - I prefer to call it ‘sitting in stillness’.  It is time with yourself, hearing your thoughts and letting them go.  Even if it’s 10 minutes every day, it can make a huge difference to your wellbeing and clarity.  As the saying goes, if you don’t have time to meditate for 10 minutes each day, meditate for 30. That’s not a mistake. Make time to create space for your higher self to emerge.  In time you will connect to higher states of consciousness, enabling you to hear your innate wisdom.

Yoga Nidra is my new love. It is an ancient transformative practice that can help to bring a higher level of peace and deepen your sleep. It involves lying down and being guided through a series of relaxation techniques that enable the mind to release tension and stress. There’s lots on YouTube and Spotify, my favourite is Ayla Nova.

If there’s any part of your intuition telling you that all of this might be true, do some research - there’s tons of information out there once you start looking.

When you know who you are, you are not easily controlled or easily led, because you can see the truth.  If your pineal gland is clear, you have a profound and unshakably deep knowing, enabling you to easily say no to what is not working for you and yes to what feels right for you.  Imagine if… we all do this, the world will be a very different and beautiful place.

Much love


1 Rat study 2019 animal study (

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Sarah Horner Sarah Horner

your vibe

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

We are conditioned to believe that we must work really hard to be entitled to receive something when every single human is a limitless being, with the ability to manifest their desires into physical reality.

… attracts your tribe

I remember being about 7 years old and thinking “what is the actual point of this life and why am I here?” It seemed pretty boring and confusing to me. Most people are born, go to school, go to university, or get a job, get married, have children or not, get divorced (or not), retire, have grandchildren (or not) and then die. With some exceptions, many of us are indifferent about the job that we do; “it’s fine and it pays the bills”. If you had a choice, would you choose to live this way? What would you do if you realised that you had the choice all along? 

We live life in the experience of our thinking and our conditioning and so if we think it’s a certain way, then that is how it will be. Many people believe that they must make things happen and that if they don’t, they worry that they’ll end up lying on the sofa all day watching Netflix. We also are conditioned to believe that we must work really hard to be entitled to receive something – neither of these things are true. Every single human is a limitless being, with the ability to manifest their desires into physical reality. 

Let’s unravel what that means?

First, we must know that everything is energy and that includes us. We vibrate at a certain frequency and that sends out messages in various forms. If you look at the image below, what is the first word that jumps out at you – it’s possible, that’s where you are vibrating right now. The image is taken from Power vs Force by David Hawkins, which describes frequency and the ‘law of attraction’ in detail. 

Let’s use the robot vacuum cleaner as a metaphor for describing in simple terms how this stuff works. If the robot was vibrating at the frequency of anger as it met the wall in a room, it would keep hitting the wall, never get anywhere and probably explode. If it was vibrating at the frequency of love or acceptance, it would bounce off the wall and go elsewhere (which it mostly does – not that I have one). The great thing about this understanding is that it takes you out of judgement and bias, as the higher your frequency is, you naturally move away from what doesn’t resonate with you and towards what does. Frequency does not have a class, colour, gender, sexual preference, status, or age, it applies to everyone across the board.

To get a deeper understanding of where you are vibrationally, if you consider the last few months and how you’ve responded to people and situations generally, it will give you a sense of where you are. 

I remember saying to someone many years ago, “I don’t know many couples who are happily married” and their response was, “that’s because we surround ourselves with similar people ''. When you start to question who you really are, how you feel and if life is what you want it to be, understanding frequency can help you to level up and start to change your experience and environment.

The time couldn’t be more perfect to deepen our awareness as the whole planet is going through a massive shift in consciousness right now. The drama, violence, ridiculous demands, programming, and fear narrative are all inviting us to question everything, get to know who we truly are and what we are here to create.

We are being invited to higher levels of consciousness where love reigns supreme and to move away from lower levels of human bickering, drama, chaos and fear. 

The Drama Triangle (by Stephen Karpman, which is used in Transactional Analysis therapy) is a brilliant way of understanding how we get drawn into drama, which keeps us stuck in a cycle of distraction and negativity. Just watch any soap or TV drama and you will see this being played out over and over. The drama keeps on escalating in order to keep people glued to the box - I’m sure nobody was killed in Coronation Street in the sixties and seventies! There are three roles in the drama triangle and most people have a preference, they are:

Persecutor: “it’s all your fault” - blames others, tending to be controlling, critical and oppressive.

Rescuer: “let me help you” – they often feel guilty if they don’t run to the rescue and then can become the persecutor if their help isn’t accepted.

Victim: “poor me” - feels that they can’t do anything about the situation and everything is futile. They are often persecuted or rescued in the drama, but can also seek help from a rescuer to perpetuate their feelings of uselessness.  It is also the way a large number of the population feel when they listen to the news (which is by design).

All these roles are “one up, one down” and so they are never seen as equal. In the worst-case scenario, they can all turn on each other and chaos and explosions ensue. The only way to step out of the drama and find resolution is to be in “adult”, seeing everyone as equal and taking responsibility, not getting tangled or judging and walking away if an aligned way forward is not possible.

When you become aware of your predilection when a drama arises and the corresponding vibration, it can help you to start to change how you respond and what you need to be aware of for change to take place.

Look around you, what’s the frequency of the people in your life? What is the vibe of your tribe? How is it supporting or draining you? What has to change, what can stay and what must go? It is time to release and let go of thought patterns and emotional patterns that no longer serve you as these will keep you in a lower vibrational state and out of resonance with what you truly seek.

As you move up the frequency ladder, your ability to resonate with and manifest your heart’s desire gets easier and easier.  When there’s a relational high frequency match, you flow with ease, experiencing a deep knowing of true connection and unforeseen possibilities and potentiality.

This is an invitation to keep on awakening and connecting more deeply with the truth of who you are. Together we will raise the frequency on this planet and find the peace that we truly desire.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

lies, smoke and mirrors

The myth of conflict and scarcity is amplified through our news. Give yourself the gift of No News November.

the myth of conflict and scarcity

If I said that we are being lied to on a gigantic scale every single day, you may notice some resistance. The media is the vehicle for the lies and the main focus is to divide, confuse and create fear. A lot of people believe what is told to us and are now used to the fact that it is all very negative, believing that’s just the way it is now. 

The uncomfortable truth is that what we see and hear is controlled by a very small group of powerful, influential people. As a self confessed conspiracy-aware critical thinker, I’m aware that they are known as the cabal, globalists, the khazarian mafia, elites or even the illuminati. However, if I describe them as b/trillionnaires with influential seats at the World Economic Forum, Davos, the World Health Organisation, Gavi and more, you might be willing to acknowledge the reach of their influence. Anyone who is senior in politics, or an exceptionally wealthy celebrity is likely to be owned by someone in this small nefarious group. The same players can be found wherever we see conflict; the fighting on both sides is funded and encouraged by globalists to create fear, power and control, with the added benefit of revenue generation. It really is a game of chess that is so sick and deeply sad, where beautiful human beings are the pawns that have to suffer.

There are a large number of  programmes that are supporting the Globalist agenda. The business of war, for example, perpetuates a huge multinational military machine which serves the wealth of a small number of investment funds at the expense of innocent civilians and misled combatants. The natural inclination of most people suffering in a conflict is to look for resolution, so it is a painful myth that countries and people require militarised combat to achieve peaceful outcomes. 

Whole industries have developed that bind us into endless layers of complexity and cost - pharmaceuticals, healthcare, water, energy and finance, where when we think about them we are so much more likely to feel fear, distrust, anxiety and despair instead of joy, peace or trust. 

People generally feel good about their  ability to discern fact from fiction and choose which news stories to pay attention to. Such as, say, 1,500 children being on the annual list of long term missing children. Or 23 children continue to be missing from a single asylum hostel in Brighton (they were first reported missing in early 2023). Or a whistleblower reported that 10% of children at a government-run hostel went missing every week. How can it be that when we love our own children and care immensely for many children that we don’t know, these stories drift in and out of our consciousness? 

A report from UNICEF and Pure Earth, titled Toxic Truth(1), found that children worldwide are suffering from lead poisoning on a "massive and previously unknown scale”. It found that about 1 in 3 children have blood levels above 5 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL), which is considered the level at which action is required. This toxicity is massively affecting the cognitive function of our children.

So why don’t most people believe these things are happening or even want to know? A cursory glance at the report suggests it might be another country’s problem.  But it is happening right across the globe and the metals have been put into our food, water supply and air on purpose - we are being poisoned. In a recent UK study(2), 11.5% of tap water samples contained lead at concentrations greater than the new 5 ppb standard adopted by the EU.

The reality is that lead and heavy metal poisoning is an entirely solvable problem. It’s just that the people who can solve it, don’t want you to know that. They would prefer you to think it’s too big or too difficult or it will cost you too much. Nor do they have the desire to solve a problem that they created.

It’s like an unhealthy relationship where one partner is cheating on the other. Some people would call out their partner as soon as they sniffed a rat and thought that the other person was cheating - they would investigate, get some evidence, challenge their partner and then most likely leave.  Yet, at the other extreme, some people would actually have to see their partner having sex with someone else to believe it or do anything about it and after hearing the excuses, sob stories and projection, would probably even stay with them (until the next time, maybe). The latter is always entrenched in fear, usually of being alone, having nowhere to live, shame and worrying about what others will think of them.

Imagine that the globalists are the cheaters and we are the cheatees! How many lies do we have to hear, how much hate do we have to endure, how much segregation do we have to experience, how much war do we have to participate in or witness and how much drama do we have to be distracted by? When will we see through the illusion so that the distraction techniques stop working and we are prepared to really look at what is going on? This is NOT how it’s supposed to be.

When I talk to people about the globalist agenda (which is ultimately “you will own nothing and be happy” and to significantly reduce the population), they start talking about the merits of individual politicians or how things will be so much better under a Labour government. No it won’t. They are all puppets under the same master. It would be like me talking about Pinnochio and how he can make a difference to the world. If only.  

We have been programmed, conditioned, scared, kept busy and distracted to make sure that we don’t believe we can change the things we don’t like and it’s simply not true.  Lots of people feel it’s important to be very sad, worried, unable to sleep and to talk a lot about the war or any other terrible event, yet that is perpetuating the fear frequency and keeping us stuck.  We must acknowledge the hideousness, but we also must not focus on it.  Look, don’t stare.

We give our power away and yet every single human being on this beautiful planet has the ability to make one small change and say no to anything that they do not like or is not working for them.  Or as I like to think of it, care about people, don’t care what they think.

Here are some ideas or suggestions, choose one (or more) and see how you feel and notice what changes for you over the course of a month:

  • No News November - stop watching or listening to the news or reading newspapers or magazines (“they will only make you feel ugly” - thank you Baz Luhrmann(3) for that insight!). The suggestions below can all serve as alternatives whenever you feel like breaking your personal news embargo.

  • After a month of no news, tune into ‘news programming’ again. Notice whether your perception is different.. How much detail do you need to hear before you feel ‘caught up’ on current affairs? What do you notice about the tone of voice or urgency in a broadcast or article?  Notice how you feel.

  • Exercise every day - even if it’s a 15 minute walk.  I’ve found it challenging over the years to find exercise that I enjoy, but walking is now one of my favourite things to do.  I also love yoga and my body has definitely thanked me for it.  Stretch like a cat (or a dog) - we really need to do this.

  • Stop doing one thing that you know is not good for you.  Listen to your body, it never lies.

  • Clean your water and start using a distiller or get a filter for your tap. My recommendations can be found here.

  • Have a go at ‘that thing that you’ve always wanted to do’ but never had enough time.  It will be a deep part of you that is yearning for something and who knows where it will lead.  Not enough time and money are the two biggest lies we tell ourselves.

  • Create.  Every single human on this planet is creative.  Most of us had that creativity knocked out of us at school and yet it is the single most important thing to do - it is why we are here. Whether you want to sing, draw, make, dance or play, give yourself permission to create.

  • Play.  If you have children or pets, play with them more.  If you don’t, play games with friends.  If you don’t have friends, join a club.  There’s loads of free stuff you can do.  Play, laugh and have fun and it will undoubtedly open your heart.

  • Practice having very honest, heart opening conversations with your friends, family, or partner.  Even if it’s something small, try it and see what happens.  

  • Stop drinking alcohol, or taking drugs for a month - see what clarity it brings for you.

  • Ground yourself.  Take your shoes off and plant your feet on the earth each day or have a bath in salt water.

  • Say no to drama, walk away and definitely don’t listen to other people’s drama. Notice when you are going into drama and question yourself.

  • Go to bed early & get up early.  Sleep before midnight is much more beneficial.

You’re very hard to control when you’re healthy.  It’s impossible to manipulate you when you’re clear about who you are.  You cannot be influenced negatively when you are sovereign.

Doing just one of these things, or anything else you are called to do that feels like love will undoubtedly raise your frequency and bring you greater clarity.  It’s like the ripples on a pond when you throw a stone, frequency travels and connects with others. Imagine if every single human on this planet said no to what doesn’t work for them, things would change overnight. Yes, it would be very challenging (isn’t it already?), but we are amazing and together we have the power to live a life that is aligned with the nature that we are; love, compassion and peace.

Much love


1 UNICEF and Pure Earth, Toxic Truth

2 Yates, Chris (November 18,2022). Are lead water pipes still a problem in the UK? The Water Professor

3 Schmich, Mary (June 1, 1997). "Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved April 28, 2020.

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read Pauline Buckley read Pauline Buckley

a debt collector came to my door

For more than 40 years, I had paid all my bills on time, never been in debt (apart from a mortgage) and generally been a ‘good citizen’. Covid, lockdown and research blew it all away as if those bills were ‘nothing but a pack of cards’.

and I remembered how powerful I am.

I heard a loud, insistent knock on the front door.  I had been waiting for this moment and thought that I was prepared, knowing what to say and what not to say.  What I wasn’t prepared for was how scared I felt.

A bit of background information.  For more than 40 years, I had paid all my bills on time, never been in debt (apart from a mortgage) and generally been a ‘good citizen’. Covid, lockdown and research blew it all away as if those bills were nothing but a pack of cards.

I had often thought that there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors, inequality and unfairness in this world, but I had never taken the time to investigate what that might mean. The whole covid narrative meanwhile struck me as really disturbing - it was not right to coerce people about their health and medical choices.  When I decided not to take the vaccine, I encountered so much prejudice and challenge (I was called a dissenter, which I rather liked), I was driven to research the things that I previously thought I didn’t have time to deeply question.

I met a lot of new people at Stand in the Park and found common ground with a small group of like-minded and inquisitive people.  I learned about Common Law, Maritime Law and Constitutional Law. My mind was blown; almost everything that I knew about the world and how it operates was turned on its head.  I decided it was time to challenge some of these nefarious organisations and one of them was the City Council. 

I learned how to question the Council’s claim on me and, in particular, my legal fiction or strawman (a false identity given to everyone at birth). I wrote to let them know that I would be withholding payments until they answered my questions.  After 18 months they still have not fully answered my questions – because they can’t.

You see, all councils are corporations and they communicate with you as a corporation (your legal fiction or straw man)1.  A contract can only exist between corporations, not natural men and women.  They are limited companies, registered at Companies House and Dun & Bradstreet, with sales and profits.  They do not have an agreement with any of us to pay Council Tax and there is so much disinformation and deception around where our money actually goes, that it would take a lifetime to investigate.  Councils are supposed to be about providing a service, but they don’t deliver on so many things and all the while, we are told we have to keep on paying our council tax. 

While I was withholding payment until they answered my questions, the Council unlawfully breached GDPR rules and passed on my details to a debt collection company, misrepresenting itself as a ‘bailff’. There is an important distinction between the two - although both can visit you at home, a debt collector doesn't have any special legal powers to collect a debt, whereas a registered bailiff does. The council had engaged this company to come to my door and lie about the powers that they (the debt collection company) have in order to scare me into settling my alleged debt.

The reason councils don’t take people to a real court is that they know that their bills and practices are unlawful and they don’t have a claim to make. Instead they rent rooms in the magistrates court to hold fake courts, which they discourage you from attending.  You really couldn’t make this stuff up (& I’m not)!

So, back to the debt collector.  I had just got out of the bath and was in my dressing gown when I heard a loud knocking on my door.  I immediately thought something was wrong, and later learned that this is something they do purposefully, to put you into an immediate state of fear.  I went to the door and saw the outline of what I thought was a policeman.  As soon as I opened the door, I knew it was a debt collector.

He tried to contract with me by asking my name and told me the reason he was there was my debt with the council. He tried to get me to agree to pay him – I would not.  He then asked if that was my car outside and said that he was going to take it if I didn’t pay.  This is something he did not have the authority or power to do.  He was trying everything he could to scare me into submission. 

My heart was racing as he started pacing around my car and taking photos.  I ran to get dressed and then saw him reverse his car behind mine so I couldn’t get out – or so he thought.  I grabbed my keys and jumped in my car, whilst he was shouting that he would follow me.  Good luck with that I thought.  I was now on a mission and there was no way this man in a pretend police uniform was going to bully me.  I reversed right up to his car, did a magnificent three-point turn and zoomed away down the road.  I looked in the rear-view mirror as he watched me drive away. 

My phone rang and I ignored it.  He left a message on my voicemail – how on earth did he have my number?  It seems the council had passed on all of my details to this overreaching company.

I rang a friend to ask if I could park my car on their drive for a few days.  It was time to write another letter challenging the Council to justify their actions.  What was meant to deter me had only made me stronger and even more tenacious in my desire for the truth, equality and fairness.  So far… all is quiet.

We are all bullied in some way by government, agencies, religion, education, health institutions and by our friends and family who want us to agree with them so we don’t rock the boat.  This is a time to be truly sovereign, standing in your own authority and knowing what is right for you and what is not. Council tax is definitely in the category of ‘things we moan about’, but don’t take action as we are conditioned to believe that we just have to accept it.  Not true.  If you bought something from a shop and it didn’t work properly, you would take it back and get a refund.  Why do we pay for something that does not deliver for us?

My local council distributed a leaflet stating that only 12% of the council tax that we pay goes to the local council.  It didn’t say where the remaining 88% went.  It’s all smoke and mirrors and very difficult to know exactly where our money goes - and that’s all by arrangement.  We are too busy, stressed, or too confused and it's a low priority, so most people don’t take action.  We are also too scared to say no to perceived authority.  When I told someone that I was withholding payment, they said that they would visit me in prison!

The obvious reason that I brought this experience towards me was to challenge a nefarious organisation, the subliminal (and most significant) reason was for me to purify my unconscious fear of being oppressed by a man.  The only way out is through and this experience has made me stronger and clearer about who I am and why I am here.  This is true liberation and peace.

The only person who voraciously has your best interests at heart is you, so listen to your beautiful heart and stand in your own truth.  It isn’t easy in this world right now, yet I know that the future is positive and well worth the fear and challenges we must all face. As we continue to say no to what is wrong on this planet, we raise the frequency and anything that is not aligned with love and nature will crumble.  The crumbling will be uncomfortable and yet, it will invite the true human spirit to rise, re-connect and take action.

Much love


1 Does the thought of not paying a bill fill you with dread?

If the fear or shame of a debt collection notice is holding you back from exploring the illusion of corporate credibility, maybe this is a moment for you to challenge yourself.

The following video explain the Strawman fallacy.

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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

imagine if… we disagree

isn’t life more interesting when we challenge each other?

During 2020, I was posting information and questions about Covid treatments on social media when an old friend reached out to insist I “stop spoiling her happy Facebook feed”. My response was a recommendation to ‘unfollow for less’. While I had anticipated that I might be ‘shadow banned’ by Facebook - the so-called fact checkers were pretty much censoring anything that wasn’t aligned to the mainstream news - I hadn’t realised that our collective ability to listen to disparate voices was so fragile.

It got me thinking at a deeper level about freedom of speech and what it really means to our relationships. When did it become important for everyone to agree?  Isn’t life much more interesting when we challenge each other, accept our individuality and agree to disagree?

Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The right to freedom of expression has been recognised as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law by the United Nations. Many countries have constitutional law that protects free speech. (Wikipedia)

In opposition to this basic human right, the Online Safety Bill was quietly passed in the UK in September 2023. It has been described as “one of the most far-reaching attempts by Western democracy to regulate online speech”.  The outcome of passing this legislation will be to make some people think twice before they say anything controversial, while other people might find the level of censorship to be ridiculous and carry on regardless. 

We all have the right to freedom of speech and yet most people censor themselves to some extent, depending on who they are speaking to.  I overheard a conversation on the beach where two people were talking about dog breeds.  The lady said, “I don’t like to ask what breed a dog is as I don’t want to offend the owner. Some people can be funny about these things.”

So the most significant censorship of all seems to be from within.  Why is that happening? Is it part of our programming?  It often starts in childhood when you may have been told not to ask silly questions or you’re laughed at, or you may have been challenged at school for being too cheeky (usually for asking a question the teacher didn’t like or wasn’t prepared to answer honestly) or was that just me, you may have felt the need to adapt your thoughts and feelings to fit into a friendship group, or to become aligned with the views of your partner in order to stay in a relationship.

Of course, there are certain things that nobody wants to hear, such as aggressive hate-speech of any kind. However, if people turn away from it, the perpetrator won’t have the drama they are seeking, nor will they have the audience they desire. Sometimes provocation is the purpose; it is another form of distraction away from genuine discourse and the only way to stop it is to say no to anything that isn’t aligned with your values and walk away.

The media is programming us to hate the haters, segregate and fear each other. The most powerful and effective response is to stand in our truth and say no to the drama, it really is that simple. Or at least it would be if the drama wasn’t played out again and again and again on our televisions, radios, newspapers, and yes, even our podcasts.

The invitation of my words is to become aware of where you censor yourself and to what degree. What are the things you really want to say, but don’t? If your boss asks you to complete a task within a timeframe that you don’t believe is possible, do you speak your truth? If not, why not? If your partner wants to do something and you really don’t, do you speak your truth? If not, why not? If someone in your life is trying to censor you or dismiss what you say (also known as control), is that working for you?

It is only when you become aware and step into that fear (big or small), do you really start to get to know yourself, what you truly want and speak your truth from the highest vision of yourself and others.  Don’t be afraid of fear - look it straight in the eye,  take a small step to letting it go and be authentically you, no matter what.  

Authenticity is everything.

Much love


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Pauline Buckley Pauline Buckley

how I started to see beyond the illusion

I lived a pretty normal life, looking after my children, working, going out with friends, taking care of my home and while I knew that there was a huge amount of inequality, unfairness, corruption and weirdness in the world, life was pretty good. And then I met Tom

an introduction to the world of ‘conspiracy theories’

I lived a pretty normal life, looking after my children, working, going out with friends, taking care of my home and while I knew that there was a huge amount of inequality, unfairness, corruption and weirdness in the world, life was pretty good. And then I met Tom and my perspective began to shift as he shared his own journey of seeing through the illusion. 

Tom had been diagnosed with Lupus, an auto-immune illness which occurs when the immune system, which normally helps protect the body from infection and disease, attacks its own tissues. This attack causes inflammation, and in some cases permanent tissue damage, affecting the skin, joints, heart, lung, kidneys, circulating blood cells, and brain. Tom was told by the allopathic (some say, conventional) doctors that he could not be cured and would be on medication for the rest of his life. After taking steroids and other drugs, Tom didn’t feel better; he felt worse and in his discomfort and pain he felt inspired to look at other ways of healing.  He stopped taking conventional medication and went on a journey of self healing with naturopathic remedies and various healing modalities, including reiki and eliminating electromagnetic frequencies. Incredibly, he actually cured himself, although his doctors preferred to call it ‘being in remission’. He was healthy, clear of disease and the Lupus never returned.

It was his healing that started Tom’s journey of research and through this, he discovered that many things on this planet were not what  he had been taught. 

Here are a handful of the insights he shared with me and led me to ‘unlearning’ what I’d previously assumed to be true.  

First came my introduction to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), understanding where they emanate from and how harmful they are to people. Many of us will already be familiar with the sight of 5G towers all around us. In our homes, we might have smart meters, mobile phones and wifi routers. Some people are hugely affected by EMF and experience frequent headaches, lethargy and sickness. A friend recently had a 5G tower installed outside her home and began having nose bleeds and had difficulty sleeping.

Next up was the quality of our water. I always thought it was pretty good, but it turns out it's full of chlorine, fluoride (why do they tell you not to swallow toothpaste?), antibiotics, birth control, pesticides, parasites and many other unsavoury substances. I was shocked and immediately bought a water distiller. While that wasn’t the perfect solution, it was better than drinking the water coming out of the tap. I now have a water filter on my tap, which eliminates most of the harmful stuff (

At this point, I didn’t want to hear anymore. I felt scared that I was stepping into a world that didn’t belong to ‘people like me’. At the same time, I knew there was no turning back. I had a strong sense that what was being revealed was part of something sinister and true.

Chemtrails were the next waymarker on my journey. These long-lasting condensation trails are left in the sky by high-flying aircraft as they disperse chemical or biological agents, sprayed for nefarious undisclosed purposes. There is much debate about the difference between a chemtrail and a contrail (where condensation from a regular plane dissipates quickly). All you have to do is look up and you will often see these lines in the sky, they are visibly different to contrails left by normal planes. The chemtrails are then dispersed by something called HAARP technology (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme). The artist formerly known as Prince spoke about it many years ago. As a young man, he noticed that when these lines were in the sky, within 15 minutes, people would  get angry and behave in an aggressive way. 

I began to learn about climate change and the ‘conspiracy theorists’ view that there is little climate change vs a shared message from governments around the world that this is a massive problem and we are all doomed. In the 60s we were told that oil would be gone in 10 years, in the 70s there would be another ice age in 10 years, in the 80s acid rain would destroy crops in 10 years, in the 90s the Ozone layer would be gone in 10 years and in the 2000’s ice caps would be gone in 10 years. None of these happened and yet the burden of action and responsibility has been placed on the people through recycling obligations, single use plastic campaigns, fuel pricing and clean air taxes. By contrast, governments and corporations carry on with minimal constraints on policy or profit and many senior politicians and business people fly in private jets.

I have always found the level of fear mongering by the media and government disconcerting and over the years it has become clearer to me that there is an agenda to instill fear and to segregate people in order to cause in-fighting, shaming and leave no space for full and open discussion. There’s a really interesting experiment where red and black ants were put in a jar and they lived happily side by side.  The jar was then shaken and the ants were thrown into chaos, at which point, they started attacking and killing each other. If we are the ants - who is shaking our jar?

There are so many other questions that arise in the world of ‘conspiracy theories’, which I prefer to call critical thinking and curiosity. Looking in the non-obvious places for information and not the mainstream media is one way to get a broader perspective. Following the success of YouTube (which censors a lot of information), there are now other digital channels such as Rumble, Bitchute, Telegram and Signal.  The mainstream media globally is owned by the same companies who own pretty much everything, including governments, Hollywood, Disney, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, religion and much more. The priorities and actions of these global players are visibly aligned. As ‘conspiracies’ go, there are both means and motive to subvert our critical thinking faculties. The priorities and actions of these global players are visibly aligned. As ‘conspiracies’ go, there are both means and motive to subvert our critical thinking faculties.

There is also an agenda, known as eugenics, to reduce the size of the population, as discussed openly by Stanley Johnson (father of ex-PM, Boris Johnson) and Sir Humphrey Wakefield (father in law of Dominic Cummings). The agenda drives a fear- mongering narrative around lack of space and food on this planet. You only have to get on a plane and look down to know that it is not true. Farmers across Europe are paid by governments to stop producing fruit and vegetables and to grow grass on their land. I have first hand knowledge of this happening to farmers here in Kent.

I also know that there is a very small group of beings, variously known as globalists, the elite, or  the cabal, who want to control and enslave people through the theft of land and resources and exploitation of legal constructs. It’s all part of a centuries-long process that creates an illusion to keep us stuck and in fear. 

We are being told so many lies, beyond our wildest imaginings and yet, this is actually the most exciting time to be alive. More and more people are waking up to the nefarious activities and starting to question what is true and what isn’t. A great example of that is how legislation has been given precedence over the founding principles of Constitutional Law, the first principle being; ‘do no harm’. It’s frustrating to see how the ‘do no harm’ requirement is ignored and hidden by layers of legalese in favour of controlling and exploiting the general public (creating corporations such as councils and police forces to levy taxes and protect private property).

Covid lockdowns were an invitation to take some time to research these documented, yet rarely addressed ‘conspiracies’. I knew something felt off and wondered why people were being coerced, sometimes forced and often shamed into putting something into their bodies to protect others, go to work and travel. Isn‘t that what the Nuremberg code was there to protect against? I have since come to know that everything we have been told about Covid and related vaccines is a lie. The data is there on the Office for National Statistics website for all to see. It shows that millions of people have died after being vaccinated and even more have been seriously  injured over the last three years. The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) data shows that less than 1% of deaths were actually caused by Covid. Every cell in my body told me not to have the vaccine and so I didn’t.

There is so much more, such as smart (15 minute) cities, Central Bank Digital Currency, transgenderism, transhumanism and most hideous of all, child abuse and pedophilia at the highest level. Most of us know that a lot of this stuff is going on and often think “what can I do about it”?

As always, my words and articles are an invitation to get curious and start asking questions.  Do some research and see how you feel about the  information that you find. I have added a few videos to my website on the ‘explore’ page, as a starting point if you’d like to know more.

Whatever you find, It is important to look, but don’t stare.  To see what is going on and find out more. This planet is healing and it’s a very challenging time for us to experience.  The yucky stuff has to come to the surface and that is what is happening now - seeing is believing.

Where attention goes, energy flows, so acknowledge what makes you happy and do more of it.  Raising our frequency is the most important thing that every human being on this planet can do.  Stand in your truth and say no to anything that you do not agree with, no matter what. 

Much love


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