lies, smoke and mirrors
the myth of conflict and scarcity
If I said that we are being lied to on a gigantic scale every single day, you may notice some resistance. The media is the vehicle for the lies and the main focus is to divide, confuse and create fear. A lot of people believe what is told to us and are now used to the fact that it is all very negative, believing that’s just the way it is now.
The uncomfortable truth is that what we see and hear is controlled by a very small group of powerful, influential people. As a self confessed conspiracy-aware critical thinker, I’m aware that they are known as the cabal, globalists, the khazarian mafia, elites or even the illuminati. However, if I describe them as b/trillionnaires with influential seats at the World Economic Forum, Davos, the World Health Organisation, Gavi and more, you might be willing to acknowledge the reach of their influence. Anyone who is senior in politics, or an exceptionally wealthy celebrity is likely to be owned by someone in this small nefarious group. The same players can be found wherever we see conflict; the fighting on both sides is funded and encouraged by globalists to create fear, power and control, with the added benefit of revenue generation. It really is a game of chess that is so sick and deeply sad, where beautiful human beings are the pawns that have to suffer.
There are a large number of programmes that are supporting the Globalist agenda. The business of war, for example, perpetuates a huge multinational military machine which serves the wealth of a small number of investment funds at the expense of innocent civilians and misled combatants. The natural inclination of most people suffering in a conflict is to look for resolution, so it is a painful myth that countries and people require militarised combat to achieve peaceful outcomes.
Whole industries have developed that bind us into endless layers of complexity and cost - pharmaceuticals, healthcare, water, energy and finance, where when we think about them we are so much more likely to feel fear, distrust, anxiety and despair instead of joy, peace or trust.
People generally feel good about their ability to discern fact from fiction and choose which news stories to pay attention to. Such as, say, 1,500 children being on the annual list of long term missing children. Or 23 children continue to be missing from a single asylum hostel in Brighton (they were first reported missing in early 2023). Or a whistleblower reported that 10% of children at a government-run hostel went missing every week. How can it be that when we love our own children and care immensely for many children that we don’t know, these stories drift in and out of our consciousness?
A report from UNICEF and Pure Earth, titled Toxic Truth(1), found that children worldwide are suffering from lead poisoning on a "massive and previously unknown scale”. It found that about 1 in 3 children have blood levels above 5 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL), which is considered the level at which action is required. This toxicity is massively affecting the cognitive function of our children.
So why don’t most people believe these things are happening or even want to know? A cursory glance at the report suggests it might be another country’s problem. But it is happening right across the globe and the metals have been put into our food, water supply and air on purpose - we are being poisoned. In a recent UK study(2), 11.5% of tap water samples contained lead at concentrations greater than the new 5 ppb standard adopted by the EU.
The reality is that lead and heavy metal poisoning is an entirely solvable problem. It’s just that the people who can solve it, don’t want you to know that. They would prefer you to think it’s too big or too difficult or it will cost you too much. Nor do they have the desire to solve a problem that they created.
It’s like an unhealthy relationship where one partner is cheating on the other. Some people would call out their partner as soon as they sniffed a rat and thought that the other person was cheating - they would investigate, get some evidence, challenge their partner and then most likely leave. Yet, at the other extreme, some people would actually have to see their partner having sex with someone else to believe it or do anything about it and after hearing the excuses, sob stories and projection, would probably even stay with them (until the next time, maybe). The latter is always entrenched in fear, usually of being alone, having nowhere to live, shame and worrying about what others will think of them.
Imagine that the globalists are the cheaters and we are the cheatees! How many lies do we have to hear, how much hate do we have to endure, how much segregation do we have to experience, how much war do we have to participate in or witness and how much drama do we have to be distracted by? When will we see through the illusion so that the distraction techniques stop working and we are prepared to really look at what is going on? This is NOT how it’s supposed to be.
When I talk to people about the globalist agenda (which is ultimately “you will own nothing and be happy” and to significantly reduce the population), they start talking about the merits of individual politicians or how things will be so much better under a Labour government. No it won’t. They are all puppets under the same master. It would be like me talking about Pinnochio and how he can make a difference to the world. If only.
We have been programmed, conditioned, scared, kept busy and distracted to make sure that we don’t believe we can change the things we don’t like and it’s simply not true. Lots of people feel it’s important to be very sad, worried, unable to sleep and to talk a lot about the war or any other terrible event, yet that is perpetuating the fear frequency and keeping us stuck. We must acknowledge the hideousness, but we also must not focus on it. Look, don’t stare.
We give our power away and yet every single human being on this beautiful planet has the ability to make one small change and say no to anything that they do not like or is not working for them. Or as I like to think of it, care about people, don’t care what they think.
Here are some ideas or suggestions, choose one (or more) and see how you feel and notice what changes for you over the course of a month:
No News November - stop watching or listening to the news or reading newspapers or magazines (“they will only make you feel ugly” - thank you Baz Luhrmann(3) for that insight!). The suggestions below can all serve as alternatives whenever you feel like breaking your personal news embargo.
After a month of no news, tune into ‘news programming’ again. Notice whether your perception is different.. How much detail do you need to hear before you feel ‘caught up’ on current affairs? What do you notice about the tone of voice or urgency in a broadcast or article? Notice how you feel.
Exercise every day - even if it’s a 15 minute walk. I’ve found it challenging over the years to find exercise that I enjoy, but walking is now one of my favourite things to do. I also love yoga and my body has definitely thanked me for it. Stretch like a cat (or a dog) - we really need to do this.
Stop doing one thing that you know is not good for you. Listen to your body, it never lies.
Clean your water and start using a distiller or get a filter for your tap. My recommendations can be found here.
Have a go at ‘that thing that you’ve always wanted to do’ but never had enough time. It will be a deep part of you that is yearning for something and who knows where it will lead. Not enough time and money are the two biggest lies we tell ourselves.
Create. Every single human on this planet is creative. Most of us had that creativity knocked out of us at school and yet it is the single most important thing to do - it is why we are here. Whether you want to sing, draw, make, dance or play, give yourself permission to create.
Play. If you have children or pets, play with them more. If you don’t, play games with friends. If you don’t have friends, join a club. There’s loads of free stuff you can do. Play, laugh and have fun and it will undoubtedly open your heart.
Practice having very honest, heart opening conversations with your friends, family, or partner. Even if it’s something small, try it and see what happens.
Stop drinking alcohol, or taking drugs for a month - see what clarity it brings for you.
Ground yourself. Take your shoes off and plant your feet on the earth each day or have a bath in salt water.
Say no to drama, walk away and definitely don’t listen to other people’s drama. Notice when you are going into drama and question yourself.
Go to bed early & get up early. Sleep before midnight is much more beneficial.
You’re very hard to control when you’re healthy. It’s impossible to manipulate you when you’re clear about who you are. You cannot be influenced negatively when you are sovereign.
Doing just one of these things, or anything else you are called to do that feels like love will undoubtedly raise your frequency and bring you greater clarity. It’s like the ripples on a pond when you throw a stone, frequency travels and connects with others. Imagine if every single human on this planet said no to what doesn’t work for them, things would change overnight. Yes, it would be very challenging (isn’t it already?), but we are amazing and together we have the power to live a life that is aligned with the nature that we are; love, compassion and peace.
Much love
1 UNICEF and Pure Earth, Toxic Truth
2 Yates, Chris (November 18,2022). Are lead water pipes still a problem in the UK? The Water Professor
3 Schmich, Mary (June 1, 1997). "Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved April 28, 2020.