clean up your pineal gland
and be so much more brilliant
Do you know what your pineal gland does? It is fundamental to helping us to be highly functioning humans - making it pretty significant to every one of us. Right now as you scroll through this article, you are possibly operating at somewhere between 5-10% of your full capacity. We are all mental, emotional, physical and spiritual beings and there’s an extraordinary amount of untapped potential to discover when we clean up our act and become so much more brilliant…
The pineal gland is a pea-sized, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ that is nestled in the brain and connected to the third eye point, in between the eyebrows; the seat of our intuition. Ancient Greeks believed it was the connection to the realms of thought and ancient Egyptians described it as the Eye of Horus, a mystical emblem of enlightenment and insight. It is also known as the seat of the soul and has the ability to fill the body with light. It is the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds, which brings a deep knowing, an enlightenment, if you like. It brings awareness of who you are outside of the structure of society, and intuitively connects you to your higher self.
This tiny and amazing organ also helps to regulate sleep patterns and secretes the sleep hormone, melatonin. It's part of the endocrine system, helping the body to sense light and dark. It controls other vital aspects of our lives, body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleep, and the orchestration of circadian rhythms. It improves the decision-making process, innovative thinking and the ability to see new possibilities.
The pineal gland produces serotonin for mood modulation, also known as the ‘happy hormone’. It influences behaviour and can help with digestion. It’s a massive contributor to our physical well-being. Heightened concentration, clarity, and tapping into higher dimensions of existence, leading to a stronger connection with spirituality, a sense of purpose and unity, and we definitely need lots more of that on this planet.
When your pineal gland is clear, you are much more receptive and able to look at things differently. It helps greatly with clarity, creativity and out of the box thinking. So, even for those who resist the ‘woo’, there’s tangible scientific evidence that it makes a difference to how we all think, reason and function.
The pineal gland is being blocked by many things, but the main culprit is fluoride. A 2019 animal study in rats (1) found those who were placed on a fluoride-free diet for 4 to 8 weeks experienced a greater increase in the number of pineal gland cells compared with those who consumed fluoridated food and drinking water.
Fluoride can cause cancer, impair bone strength, impair kidneys and thyroid function, recede gums, depress heart & cell growth, increase infertility, and - critically - block your pineal gland.
Fluoride lowers IQ and causes cognitive impairment, especially in children. It also causes skeletal fluorosis with symptoms such as weakened bones, joint pain, bone deformities and limited mobility. It has the potential to disrupt the endocrine system, disturbing hormone balance and possibly affecting reproductive and fertility issues.
So why is it in our toothpaste, water and food?
Public health policy, pharmaceutical products, water management and dental advice is informed by years of scientific information. So the decision to add fluoride is not an accident of ignorance. Governments and companies are working together to add damaging levels of fluoride to our bodies.
Why would they do that? As the biggest effect is to impair cognitive function, the evidence points to a desire to ‘dumb down’ the general population in order to make us easier to control. In knowing this, you have a choice to carry on as normal, or to start decalcifying your pineal gland and levelling up!
The first thing we can do is clean the water that we drink. I use a water distiller and filters on my taps and showers (link to explore page). A water distiller does also remove ‘good minerals’ like calcium and magnesium, but these can be replaced with vitamin supplements and Celtic Sea salt – one small crystal before each glass of water gives you over 80 minerals. The filters on my kitchen tap and shower take out fluoride and chlorine, amongst other things. I travel with filtered water when I’m out and about and would definitely recommend children take filtered water with them to school. It’s even worth checking the ingredients of bottled water, as some contain aluminium which is also harmful to our bodies.
As you can see from this image, there is a lot of other hideous stuff in our water that is slowly poisoning us. The image below was taken after cleaning three jugs of Southern Water’s finest.
I know a lot of people, myself included, are challenging the water companies and withholding payment until the quality of our water improves. People are also sending letters to them, requesting information under the freedom of information act, to ask what exactly is in the water and why is it not being cleaned out?
The next thing is to change your toothpaste and mouthwash. There are lots of great ones out there that don’t contain fluoride. I’ve always thought it was odd being told not to swallow toothpaste as it contains fluoride, yet it is being brushed straight into our systems through our gums.
Processed foods and fizzy drinks can also contain fluoride, so check the ingredients, you’ll be amazed what you see. Choose organic fruit and vegetables as much as possible.
Sungazing can have amazing benefits to your wellbeing and pineal gland, and it is safe to do just after sunrise or just before sunset (never in the middle of the day). It provides you with the vitamin D that you need and helps to improve energy, your immune function, stimulates healthy brain function, improves quality of sleep, metabolic and thyroid functions and helps with happiness and balancing our emotions.
Meditate - I prefer to call it ‘sitting in stillness’. It is time with yourself, hearing your thoughts and letting them go. Even if it’s 10 minutes every day, it can make a huge difference to your wellbeing and clarity. As the saying goes, if you don’t have time to meditate for 10 minutes each day, meditate for 30. That’s not a mistake. Make time to create space for your higher self to emerge. In time you will connect to higher states of consciousness, enabling you to hear your innate wisdom.
Yoga Nidra is my new love. It is an ancient transformative practice that can help to bring a higher level of peace and deepen your sleep. It involves lying down and being guided through a series of relaxation techniques that enable the mind to release tension and stress. There’s lots on YouTube and Spotify, my favourite is Ayla Nova.
If there’s any part of your intuition telling you that all of this might be true, do some research - there’s tons of information out there once you start looking.
When you know who you are, you are not easily controlled or easily led, because you can see the truth. If your pineal gland is clear, you have a profound and unshakably deep knowing, enabling you to easily say no to what is not working for you and yes to what feels right for you. Imagine if… we all do this, the world will be a very different and beautiful place.
Much love
1 Rat study 2019 animal study (