a debt collector came to my door part 2

Hi everyone

Thank you for being here and Happy New Year.

I want to talk to you about two things today, the first one is an update on my ‘debt collector at the door’ story and the second thing is about peace.

You may have read my article on what happened when a debt collector came to the door because I've withheld payment for my council tax. It was really a difficult thing for me to experience, but what it did do is help me to step into fear and deal with the situation the best way that I could. Also, to know that that what I've been doing was correct and what they were doing was unlawful.

Since that experience, I've had two visits from debt collectors who present themselves as bailiffs - there is a difference, a bailiff has greater rights than debt collectors and with the correct documentation, can take your stuff away whereas a debt collector can’t and they often tell you things that are not true in order to scare you into submission. So on the second visit, I saw them coming down the path, so I just turned away - actually I was on the phone at the time and I turned away and went into a different room. When I came back they'd gone and they left me a note which I didn't open because it wasn't addressed to me, so I put it in the bin. I then just forgot about it and although I did feel a little bit of fear, it was significantly less than the first time.  

A few weeks later I got another visit and I thought it was my daughter’s friend at the door, so I opened the door at 7:15 at night (it was pitch black outside) and there was a man standing there in a uniform holding up a badge of some kind, telling me he was sorry to bother me, He said that he was a debt collector (presenting as a bailiff) and so I just said, “I don’t know who you are and I don’t know what you want” and I shut the door. He left me a note, another note, in the letter box and he’d written my car registration and make and model of my car on the back, which I took to be a threat that they were going to attempt to take my car. Again, I felt even less fear than I had before and just know that it’s not possible for them to do that because they don’t have the right documentation and what they are actually doing is unlawful. It’s a constant reminder that I know what I’m talking about and I’m not having this bullying behaviour.

The wonderful thing that has happened since is someone has taken a debt collecting agency to court for bullying and harassment and the court found in the person's favour and awarded £4000 in fines. It is incredible and shows that what they're doing is unlawful and it also shows what the councils are doing is unlawful because they're not telling us the truth about where our money is going.

Yes, we do need to pay for services, but we need to pay the right amount of money. We need to know where that money is going and there’s so much smoke and mirrors around taxes, with so many taxes that we pay. Where does all of this money actually go? We don't know and you can't find out - it is extremely difficult. So the only way to make the changes is to withhold payment.

In a wonderful fair and equal world where we understood what was actually happening, where our money was going, we'd be able to find out. We would be able to ask questions and get answers, but we don't. We ask questions and we get smoke and mirrors and we just have to accept that. Also we're told we do, but we don't have to accept it.

The time has come to ask questions and keep on asking questions until you get an answer that you can understand, that makes sense, is fair and equitable. That has not been happening for many many years we've been told lies about where our money goes, about what our government does and about what's actually going on in this world.

2024 is really going to be the year of huge revelation and I don't say that to scare anybody. It will be pretty horrible at times, but what is more horrible is what has been going on under the surface for thousands of years - things that we’ve suspected are happening, but we don't really know. Like any form of healing and this planet is healing, we are finding out the things that have been going on with so-called celebrities and government - people who are supposed to be serving us but don't, they serve themselves. There's so much greed and power that influences things that shouldn't be happening. What we're doing now is finding out exactly what's going on and that's going to be very shocking for people, y et when we see it we can then do something about it. We can decide whether we want it or not and that is a fundamental right.

This is going to be a very exciting year and I continue to withhold payment for my council tax until I get an answer and so far - I think it's going to be two years in April - I still haven't had answers to my questions which tells you a lot. I'm still not in prison! It also tells you a lot, when I first told a few people what I was doing, one of them actually said I'll come and visit you in prison - that is the level of fear and the misunderstanding that we have about what’s real and what’s not. Most of us know that council tax is not fair and equitable and yet a lot of people still continue to pay it. There are now hundreds of thousands of people who are not because they are becoming more and more aware of the nefarious activities that go on.

The second thing I want to talk about, because it is going to be a very challenging year for us, is peace and how we experience more peace in our lives. There’s is a lot of stuff that's happening in the world - as we know there's a terrible war, which is truly horrific. There are a huge number of people dying, above what is normal and this is not being spoken about in the media either which is interesting in itself. Over 100,000 excess deaths and yet it's not being discussed in the media. Now that is excess deaths, this is people dying above the normal number so why is that happening why is it not being investigated? These are things that we have to be aware of.

We have to look at things we don't want to look at and then we have to look in our own lives, in our experience of life and what is not true what is not fair what is not equitable. How are we living life? it's really easy to talk about the war and how terrible it is and it is terrible, but what can we do? If there's nothing that we can do directly, then what can we do to make sure that we live as peaceful a life as possible. The kind of peace that is our birth right.

One of the ways that we can be more peaceful is to speak our truth. I know from experience, there's been times when I haven't spoken my truth - I have to certain people and not to other people and why is that? I've really explored that and why I can say truthful things in one area of my life, but not in another. It's a fear of losing something, of not keeping things the way they are, at the cost of my own truth and so I don't do that anymore. If I ever catch myself doing it, I explore why and then I do it and if you notice, as I'm telling you this, where you don't tell your truth. Is it to certain people? Is it certain situations where you don't speak your truth. Why is that? The only way to find out if you don't know is to actually do it and to explore.

It is really important that you do it from a place of peace because if you speak your truth in anger it's not going to go well, but if you really understand and know what you want, ask for it and you speak your truth, then however somebody else reacts to that is up to them but how you respond to that is also up to you.

What you discover in speaking your truth will tell you a lot about what you really want and what you don't want in your life, in your experience of life. The more peaceful we are, because that's who we truly are, love and peace, the more this world will be peaceful.

See you soon.

Much love



the doctors said no


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