1:1 Coaching with Pauline
“Are you ready to be front and centre of your own life?
It’s all about you - in a good way.”
Pauline Buckley
The world can appear to be confusing and complex; some things make sense, but so much doesn’t. I’ll help you navigate to a clear understanding of yourself and what you truly want.
Coaching with me is a transformative experience that will change the way you see and live life. In this safe and confidential space, you’ll explore uncertainties and find clarity. I will help you find the answers to make changes in your life that, maybe right now, you think are impossible.
Get ready to find out what you really want from life.
This is true freedom.
when you get clear about who you are and what you really want, you are unstoppable!
you will:
find clarity about the way you think and how that is getting in your way
see what’s hiding behind your beliefs about life
explore the possibilities of more options and pathways
know and learn to be your own authority
learn to hear how you talk to yourself
understand that your feelings and body are a true barometer of what works for you and what doesn’t
stop worrying about what other people think
be authentically you and be your own authority on how you live life
be even more creative
simplify your life and yet make it more vibrant, interesting and fulfilling
pricing for your circumstances
Your initial 20-minute consultation is free of charge.
Subsequent 1:1 one-hour sessions are bookable at your choice of price point (to suit your circumstances).
£33 | £55 | £77 | £99 | £111
what you’ll get:
a personalised experience
1:1 coaching either in person or via video call (depending on location) - 1 hour per session
compassion, curiosity, straight talking and no BS
you will deeply experience the frequency of deep calm
access to me for any questions or issues that arise, via email or WhatsApp (& phone if appropriate)
tools to support help you increase your awareness
emails and videos in between sessions that support what we’ve explored

Coaching is challenging
“Trust in the process of not knowing all the answers or even knowing what the future holds, you will be amazed.”
Pauline Buckley
Living in a state of stress tricks us into thinking ‘this is normal’. Our thoughts and feelings are feedback on how we are living. And we can change that so you experience yourself exactly as you are - not as you thought you were or should be
“We manufacture problems in our mind, don’t we? Everything can be a problem if you want it to. On the one hand you have to live in the moment, and on the other, you have to push towards your dreams. That used to really make want to throw in the towel. They are just two different tools in the toolbox. That was quite a big insight for me, realising that these things don’t have to compete against each other even when they appear to be completely contraditory.
James Garner
“My experience of coaching with you; your approach to life is just infectious and inspiring. I would always leave so pumped after seeing you. It was just wonderful. That was really special as well.”
Rebecca Ayrton
“Books are helpful, but to get real change - I certainly wouldn’t be able to do it without being coached. You need someone to help you to see; to say ‘Is that really true?’ You can’t get that from a book or even a course, really. To achieve change you need that help.”
Helen Fitzgerald

what is coaching?
“My clients become aware of what’s working for them and what isn’t. They stop blaming others and take responsibility. What was impossible, is now possible”
Pauline Buckley
what is coaching and is it right for you?
Coaching can help you to be more honest with yourself - to explore and say out loud things you might not say otherwise
It’s an opportunity to remember who you truly are and identify what is out of alignment in your life - putting yourself front and centre, knowing that it’s the opposite of selfish
You’ll gain an understanding of healthy control, vs unhealthy control
Once you’ve identified what you want to change, you can explore possibilities and commit to making big or small changes
You'll become aware of where you blame others or use them as an excuse for continuing to live a life that’s out of alignment
Becoming more and more accountable and taking responsibility, which is true freedom
If you’ve decided to do something in a session and then you don’t do it, we’ll explore what’s getting in the way
with fresh eyes and a new perspective, you’ll be able to see the world with greater clarity and less confusion. And when you take action, you will know when you are acting with integrity and alignment with your truth and when you are not
explore your possibilities…
If you’re ready to start talking and creating your future, schedule a 20-minute consultation with me. We will ask each other some questions and plan for your first session
Coaching sessions may be in person or via Zoom depending on your location and preference.